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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Like Nessie is our underwater ally, you can be my sky ally. It was Skoal. Also a bad choice to post about it.
  2. Of course you’d think that. Because you’ve bent over backwards to defend these people.
  3. Yes. I’m shocked this is even disputed.
  4. Terrorist apologist scum of the earth.
  5. It leaves us with you still needing to fuck off back to CR. Take those pederasts bolverk and wildcat with ya. My mom passed in ‘00, you cunt.
  6. Lulz. Nobody wets pants. This is criminal behavior by a guy wearing a mask at 5 am. Nobody in their right mind would condone this. Are you of ill mind or are you a deliberate contrarian? Obviously you’re not married and have no kids.
  7. Yes it helps. It’d also help if you admonished idiotic takes like those of bolverk, Fantana, F250, and Hank Hill, instead of remaining silent because you otherwise agree with them. And no, what occurred to you is not apples to apples.
  8. We’re not in CR and 956 isn’t your typical CR poster. Even he, though, is extremely careful in CR.
  9. Well that’s not AT ALL what that video depicted. Ethnic cleansing? You really are something.
  10. Absolutely. It defies logic. Blatantly hypocritical and those CR lefties that disagree with them, who are probably great in number, are silent on this. The silence from some verbose, bombastic CR regulars is deafening.
  11. Yeah probably. I feel an outspoken Hamas sympathizer is superior to me, and am gay for a goalpost-moving, narrative-stretching bleeding heart twink. You got me! I hope you don’t have children you absolute moron.
  12. I’m not sensitive. I’m just dealing with an inferior entity. Run along and don’t forget to give bolverk a reach around. He’s earned it.
  13. Sounds like you need to fuck off back to CR with the rest of the Texas Friends of Hamas.
  14. Dismissive partisan twat. Exactly like Palestinian leadership and operatives. You people are herpes.
  15. This isn’t a both sides deal. This is nutjob losers on one side doing inappropriate shit and sometimes illegal shit. They are ugly nerds that should be ridiculed, kicked out of school when warranted, and never find gainful employment by any respectable outfit. Yes. But bolverk, whose posting history in this thread has been atrocious, and F250 are going to great lengths to dismiss the severity of the guy’s actions. Absolutely. It was fucking trespassing dude.
  16. Hamas is known for blue eyed gals dude. Cmon. Pronghorn is not here to inform the board about current events involving protests or protesters. In fact, he's admitted as much that his primary reason for posting in this thread is to spread propaganda. He is PRECISELY informing the board of current events. You just don’t like that these protestors are batshit crazy. I’’d have tweeted simply that some masked idiot came by my door at 4 am and this is not okay. On what fucking planet do you live where it is acceptable that a student (I guess) that is misguided as fuck comes to a regent’s home? Fucking looney tunes man
  17. Holy shit my three favorite people are DJJ, Luka and Ian Eagle. That exchange was great.
  18. It’s only a useful disinformation tool with context. If there’s a caption that states people were carrying ISIS flags, it’s the text written by the disseminator that is the disinformation. When Prong was posting videos that didn’t contain disinfo, but getting roughed up for the messengers, that was bullshit. The videos he was posting, by and large, were not disinfo instruments.
  19. The parade of mongoloids has joined the chat. Look, I know exactly what I’m arguing, and I’ll wager any of you no-talent assclowns any amount you want that there will be no justice for Mark Boone Jr.
  20. This is pretty cut and dried. Sounds like there’s a group of y’all willing to battle UT on this homeless looking dude’s behalf, like you’d envy being in that position. I strongly suspect the facts of any case law you link and the facts from Ol’ Dick are night and day. But by all means, continue to speak on how complicated it is.
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