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Everything posted by oh_snap

  1. The Longhorns prepared me for this. FML
  2. We should hold more often. They don’t call it
  3. I would really like him to start for the teams were playing against.
  4. Lol. Both teams showing their ass on 4th down execution
  5. Bergman smiling is not something I’ve seen in a while. Tides are turning
  6. Hallion thinks this is cricket? Wtf was strike 1?
  7. Are you at the game? You must be a full 30-40 seconds ahead of me
  8. Passan gonna write another stupid article about that Albies error.
  9. If Joe and Smoltz wanna talk about that short left field porch again after Tuck blasts a 3run shot here, I’m willing to listen.
  10. This Brantley guy, he must be a professional, right?
  11. Because we about to put up a crooked number and he’s gonna get cold
  12. Good news is Framber will be fresh for Saturday night.
  13. When Urquidy was pulled in the second inning of Monday nights game, after the bullpen was already taxed from the first two games, I was sure this team was done. Then ZG can’t even make it through 2 yesterday, and we were on the ropes ready to fall. but this bullpen fucking delivered. And then Framber today. Wow.
  14. holy hell this bullpen was tits tonight.
  15. Anyone wondering why dusty hasn’t gotten a contract, well here’s why. should have just ridden Urquidy and try to salvage the pen… instead we’re gonna burn more arms in a blowout to double fuck us tomorrow
  16. Because his splits suggest he’d serve an even bigger shit sandwich in Fenway
  17. Well, I’ll be okay if yimi comes in tomorrow night when we’re up big and feed Grandal’s ribcage a ball for that bs he pulled tonight.
  18. This fucking ump wants to be a headline. Shame on him.
  19. Fuck these refs. At this point, it wouldn’t shock me if they come out of this commercial break saying “upon further review, touchdown. “
  20. This sooo much. The overall state of the entire athletic program is so much fun right now. 2004-2009 was a heck of a run. It’s going to be great topping that for the next decade. Everything is set up perfectly to go on a tear.
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