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Everything posted by RCRanger03

  1. I was trying to think last night about a better modern perimeter defense combination than Beverley, George, and Kawhi. I know Jordan and Pippen are the gold standard, but damn having all three of those are killer especially against a perimeter oriented Western conference. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  2. The Clippers looked pretty damn good even without Paul George...
  3. You got that Harden-Capela combo... Rocket games are gonna be hell against you. Here's to hoping Westbrook fucks that shit all up /GoMavs!
  4. My thoughts resemble this stance...
  5. Worthwhile read: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news/austin-brawl-homeless-population/
  6. I've been staying out of this thread for my blood pressure's sake, but this is a big blow and a surprise to all of us in the support service community. We really liked her...
  7. This is Sunday the 20th, correct?
  8. roger that. Can we get an overview of what rules/roster changes have been proposed or made
  9. Either is fine, preference towards Sunday.
  10. I believe it's staying H2H just adding Keepers
  11. hate the format from last year or hate the new format we are going to?
  12. Thank you for engaging in a thoughtful reasoned discussion. Now that im home its my only time witht the kids and im not spending it on here but ill follow up tomorrow with some thoughts. I believe that increased criminality is often directly resulting from effectively criminalizing homelessnes like the repealed ordinances leading to desperation of not having a secure place to sleep,eat,hydrate, exacerbated mental illness presentation due to the former. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  13. I said it was a place to start, and no unfortunately I don't have a single source that encapsulates what I've learned (both hands on and on my own time, as I have no social service education) about criminal behavior and homelessness over 5 years as convenient as that would be for these kind of conversations (in fact supremely convenient enough that it's probably something I can do on company time). So I am willing to go back and find other research and sources and get back to you on it, but how about all the people spouting off vitriol and violence on the opposite topic bring some worthwhile evidence to the table as well. Here is something I have handy right now that links to other research: http://www.icjia.state.il.us/articles/the-intersection-of-homelessness-and-the-criminal-justice-system
  14. To quote myself Racism is taking stereotypes and myths applying them to all the people of a race as a pretext to discriminate, dehumanize, and deprive of just treatment. Sexism is the same for women, discrimination by religious creed is the same, and you're doing the same based on someone's housing/economic situation (I'm sorry so I'm speaking your degrading language those "LEACHES TO SOCIETY"). Those are people, individuals with different reasons that they are where they are and of which you have no idea. The same argument you made has been levied against the poor for centuries. Come up with something original. Once again it's FINE to have a disagreement with placement of the shelter, allocation of resources, city council members opinions, even how we should handle the situation as a whole in regards to homelessness. JUST STOP IT WITH DEHUMANIZING BULLSHIT. I have had a friend literally have battery acid thrown in their face by assholes who think like that for nothing more than not having a place to sleep.
  15. You're obviously saying that as someone who has never done it, at least with enough goodwill for it to be successful. Growing up i was told things like for every 20-30 black people I'm sure there are a few that are acceptable, but don't bother with those naggers. Just because it's not racism, doesn't make the wrongness at the heart of it any different Also as I said earlier in this thread the assertion that a person who is homeless is any more likely to commit a crime is just patently false.Mostly "crimes" that are more likely to be committed when not housed were the ones charged under the since repealed ordinances. Suburban teenagers of all races commit petty theft at higher rates, High Income Earners commit violent crimes at a much higher rate, Surly posters are just as likely to be drunk/high in public... (joking on that last one, Surly posters are much more likely to be pissing drunk in an alley). Some basic source material if you want to research it a little https://www.jstor.org/stable/3096817?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents The human waste problem could be solved by just providing public facilities. Once again you and I have never been denied entry or had the police called on us because we needed to nip in to drop a log real quick. Also I'm here as a homeless advocate to let you know that anyone coming at you aggressively for panhandling or not, aren't to be treat any better post ordinance repeal. In fact the new language makes those people MORE likely to be arrested.
  16. What about those rapist immigrants? violent negroes? terrorist towelheads? Don't half ass it if you're going dehumanize and paint with the broad brush, commit!
  17. No, I don't think so. Come ask what the residents of Woodland Hills have experienced when 200 chronically homeless moved in next door (along with the busloads that come to visit or receive services or start the application process). Hint there wasn't anything but cheers about the 300 more homes that will be going in and sharing a literal fence line with their homes. Living that close to Sunrise, I'm curious how many people who are experiencing homelessness have you actually take the time to meet and treat as another human being. I hope it's a bunch, but in my experience when you so easily encapsulate "those homeless people" into a mass faceless other that is all on their own "turning the place to shit" it's unlikely that there has been interact much person to person. I'm not saying there aren't issue that come with people who are struggling this way, I know MUCH better than you those problems and deal with them every single day and not just in passing, I'm asking people to pay me money haha. I've been threatened, I've been assaulted, I've dealt with every single drug that exists in my 5 years of working with those experiencing homeless. I've watched people kill themselves with substances over time and spent their last moments I know it's no sunshine and buttercups. The thing is through it all, I have experienced when you treat people AS PEOPLE and not a scum, as worthless, as non existent then you'll find that they aren't as different and other and shitty as you paint them to be. In fact some of them are better than I am (not saying a whole lot, but its something because I'm not sure you would kick up a fuss if I moved in next door with my whitebread millenial ass)
  18. So those thoughts I had: - the amount of homeless within shelter programs as well as unsheltered is relatively the same over the past 10 years which i believe holds true for this year. I believe it's not truly an increased population but more of a increased visibility - the amount of VISIBLE UNSHELTERED homelessness is increased by a few factors: displacement from the IH35 bridge reconstruction projects all up and down the corridor, continual development of historical hidden camp spots like green spaces, older defunct lot or buildings, etc - the narrative that we're becoming a hellscape of homelessness is overblown by magnitudes. Even Seattle's or LA situations(the bogeymen of this thread) are not the worst by 2x - the visibility issues will only increase when the ARCH undergoes its change to case managed only with no mats or services to walkins, so getting the new shelter rolling quick is attempting to address that impending issue (whether you agree ther placement or not, that's a nimby issue that CFV had as well that got us moved from our potential locations multiple times) - programs live haven for hope in San antonii which congregate services outside of town but doesn't offset housing beyond an ARCHesque temp shelter courtyard, may redufe the appearances of homelessness (take the riverwalk for example) especially downtown but their rate is largely the same as Austin - even the Ben white "worst problem area" is at most 50 people. Way overblown in how its being portrayed. - a personal track (other than my work at CFV) ive been pursuing/advocating is diffusing housing/services throughout the metro area by utilizing the federal RLUIPA loophole in zoning and working with faith communitues to put their land resources where their creed say to (im especially working this from within the catholic diocese) - any of you heartless assholes who advocate for dehumanizing and degrading other people because of their housing situation, are welcome to come with me on a MLF truck run and i doubt you would be able to sustain that attitude. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  19. I have some thoughts about the media narrative + visual experience of worsening homelessness vs the facts/figures that we have, but it will have to wait until after work, kiddos, and the missus
  20. Wouldn't be surprised if he tops in Iowa
  21. Demographically in my experience those experiencing chronic homelessness are more likely to be African American and over 50 (thats anecdotal from work on Trucks and definitely representative of we see at the village at an average age of 55 and 25% African American). However there are definitely significant numbers of young people (age 20 - 35) experiencing homelessness (roughly 15% of the village) and most people overall are effectively unaccompanied (not very much in the "parent/child" or true established relationships although that happens on a small scale Crash_davis is your favorite movie The Purge? Do you have any other populations you would find convenient to eradicate for your utopian version of Austin? Just taking notes...
  22. What are you intending to say with that? There were 39 people murdered in 2016, 1 committed by someone experiencing homeless (and his "homelessness" was being a runaway from Foster Care) There are also constantly dozens of people who are homeless in west campus and nobody is being murdered. Saying shit like that perpetuates hate, and devalues people. A homeless person is more likely to be murdered, assaulted, robbed, raped than to commit any of those things. Are there crimes associated with homelessness? SURE! things like criminal trespass (because they have no where to go for shelter), Possession of Controlled Substances (because addiction is often a symptom of homelessness), theft (because being starved, dehydrated, sleep deprived, addicted, or struggling with mental health issues), public indecency (because there are no bathrooms available to someone "like you" even though any of us could just pop into any business we want and you hell gotta shit and piss somewhere), and up until just now laying down anywhere outside Honestly there are legitimate concerns to have, that don't have easy answers (it's all complicated and messy as anything involving people is), but there is no need to pull out bullshit like that
  23. Ive never voted Dem but if i did i think a Kamala/Boot-edge-edge (really either direction) would be a ticket i could see convincing me Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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