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Posts posted by Grippe

  1. As I'm sure many of you know, Weird Tales was the pulp fiction periodical where many early fantasy, horror and science fiction works were published.  H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard (Cimmeria was based on the foothills around Fredericksburg), Seabury Quinn, etc. were first brought to the American public's awareness by this magazine despite it's financial troubles.

    I've greatly missed hearing recommendations from the old site and comparing thoughts to the books they're read in this genre, so here goes at trying to keep the ball rolling.

    I think it was Rage who gave me the recco to try this series:



    I'm enjoying it so far but it hasn't hit me with plot twists or extraordinary intrigue (like ASoIF or Kingkiller) - does it ramp up a bit in the following books?

    Also, the last Irondruid is now released and in my reading queue - looking forward to seeing how Hearne closes that series.

  2. I just wrote this to another Shagster who PM'd me for rec's:



    May is beautiful - they might still be having the flower festival in Old Town Square, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

    I prefer to book in MaloStranske (small town) which is still a part of old town.  There are some nice out of the way restaurants that haven't hiked up their prices like Old Town Main (like U Schnellu, Pizza Resturante on Josefska, Ferdinanda (basement place)).

    Definitely do the following:

    Old Town Square - be there at the top of the hour during evening, there are performance from the top of the clock tower that are fun crowd yelling events; take lots of pictures, avoid the tourist groups, and don't eat in the cafes there (prices are WAY jacked up)

    Castle - because it's one of the loveliest Gothic castles still in use (Czech government uses it)

    Charles Bridge - I tell people to go at the crack of dawn, when the mists/fog make it look mysterious (like when it was shown in Mission Impossible 1), later in the day it's packed with tourist, vendors and pickpockets

    Wenceslaus Square (namesti) - it's a pure tourist fest here now, but this square is where Communism broke in 1989.  The protests in this square were what caused the Czechoslovakian communist government to abdicate and started the domino effect of Poland, East Germany and (eventually) Russia to fail.

    Metronome - north across the river of old town, walk up to it, it's a nice easy hike up a small hill, but then enjoy the park with your wife and take plenty of pix looking down into old town

    U Fleku - yeah it's a tourist trap, but it's OLD and it's BEER, but get the pig knuckle and be sure to walk it off by the legions bridge (you can go down on the island and take pictures looking up to the Charles Bridge

    Finally... Petrin, Petrin, Petrin.  The park on the hillside south of the Castle, overlooking all of small and old town (it has a Eiffel tower looking tower at the top).  Stroll through this park, stop at the Petrin Terrace restaurant and enjoy a Krusovice (my favorite Czech pivo), if you see young lovers in the bushes/woods it's considered normal there, just smile and move on

    God I miss that place, best years of my life.


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  3. Anytime I see Knopp0e post one of those oversized & incessant realignment posts I'm going to want him/her/it banned.  While I respect anyone freely stating their opinions in an open environment, that guy takes a four year old mentality of screaming what he wants again and again like he's trying to bludgeon us into conforming to his position.

    While not disrespectful on a verbiage level it's still abusive by method.

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