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Posts posted by Grippe

  1. Throughout my entire time on HF, Shag and now surly I have been an advocate of trying to repair and bolster the B12.


    After today I am done, this was a fucking joke.  I will spend no money towards UT gear (and this hurts) until somebody with a fucking sack tells the B12 officiating head judge to stop this egregious favoritism towards the CFP.

  2. Fuck Nebraska and Aggy, both of 'em acted like cunts and ran their cock holsters off in public pointing fingers at us while not taking responsibility for themselves.

    I say put Deloss on a mission to get Arky and LSU to hit the eject button on the 'untouchable' SEC (where both of them have had rumblings of discontent) and join the B12.  It could be his 'greatest' contribution to the conference he helped shape - and possibly even stabilize it for years.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Hawndoh said:

    So I guess the video game sub forum at the top of the screen is always dead because noone knows it's there?

    It does bring the lulz.

  4. (Our story begins in August/September in Seattle... )

    Amazon's Independent, Autonomous selection committee to the Board: "After exhaustive research we can unanimously declare Long Island is the perfect location for our new headquarters facility"

    Jeff Bezos, sitting at the head of the Board's table: "Your selection is incorrect, the unanimous decision is D.C."

    (awkward silence ensues...)

  5. 17 hours ago, BTW said:

    I just finished the Quantum Magician .  Great read, lots of hard science mixed with pretty compelling ensemble of characters trying to pull of a hell of a job.  looking forward to the next one


    While you're waiting you might find the Frontline series by Marko Kloos to your liking.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    I don’t know anyone that read Silent Things because everyone is pissed at him for not putting out book 3.


    Just finished the Warded Man, glad I picked it up diving right into the Desert Spear now.

    The Demon Cycle series definitely got better as it went along and ended well.

    When you finish that, and if you enjoyed it, you might want to look into the Shadow Campaign by Wexler.

    • Like 1
  7. When I lived in Prague I used to take visitors to the church where the commandos were tracked down and killed - it still has all of the thousands of bullet marks on it as a badge of honor.

    Sometimes I'd also take them to the village north of Praha where Hitler order the reprisal.  Every single male (regardless of age) in the village was rounded up and gunned down in from of the females.  The Czech's simply razed the entire town down to nothing and left a memorial marker.

    After WWII the Russians spent decades terrorizing the Czechs with fear tactics.

    Czechs hold a lot of grudges, but love Americans (especially Patton).

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