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Posts posted by Grippe

  1. 11 hours ago, bolverk said:

    These old hotels can be very special places. As a homer, I'm happy to share these images of the Settles (a once-crumbling tower that my high school friends and I used to break into during the 80s) that's now become imho the nicest hotel in West Texas. Since it's opened, several bars and restaurants with live music have opened in the downtown.



    Interesting you mentioned the Settles - one of the developers in this video is standing next to the model for that project.

    I'm quite stocked as my wife and I moved away from Round Rock a few months ago and landed here in MW, looks like our timing might be good.


    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, El Diablo said:

    Homeless and mentally ill. Pretty common combo.

    I'm going to do something rare here - I'm going to disagree with you and try to do so politely.

    While I do agree the treatment of mentally ill in our state and country is lacking - I strongly disagree with simply lump-summing them together in a solution discussion.

    Why cannot we, the constituency, have expectations of hygienic and personal conduct legal enforcement in our major metropolitan areas AND a compassionate process to identify and provide help to the mentally ill?

    Is it too much to ask that we provide a safe haven for the rule of law and comfort to those who genuinely are in need?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, elfenix said:

    the actual answer is victorinox fibrox handle stuff

    (how is this the second time i've answered this same thread today?)

    This is the correct answer.  While you're picking out knives get a wall magnet that suits your kitchen decor - don't over complicate this.

    • Like 2
  4. On 6/4/2019 at 3:26 PM, Viper said:


    yeah i was going to suggest John Scalzi. Redshirts, and possibly The Collapsing Empire are probably his most humor oriented.

    If you like Rocket in the Guardians of the Galaxy I would definitely recommend the Spellslinger series by de Castell - a comic relief anthropomorphic sidekick that really brings the lulz.

    • Like 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Haskell, eh?  I'll be some of my people know your people.  There's all sorts of Fucks running around out there.

    Most of the Jinks clan is SE of Dallas, around Ennis.  We completely disown and disavow any of those fuckwad bastards who live north of the Red River and changed the i to an e. Damn Sooners.

    • Like 1
  6. Not a Navy puke but...

    As a hiring manager I can tell you this - two MOS' from the Navy I hire on the spot; logistics for log personnel and nukes for engineering - and I pay them both as much as my comp and ben will allow.

    Navy logistics is the basis for all commercial logistics networks across the globe - the familiarity Navy loggies have right out of the gate, as well as understanding the shenanigans at all ports of entry, gives them a sizable leg up.

    Navy Nukes (who completed their 6 years) come in with a solid understanding of math/physics fundamentals, work their ass off, and are THANKFUL for their new life.

    If he does it, his life will suck as BL can testify - but once he's done his time the living is large.

    • Like 2
  7. 14 hours ago, bamachine said:

    Question for the masses. I am looking for some new sci-fi or fantasy humor. Keep in mind that I have read(mostly own) everything written by the following authors. Pratchett, Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Asprin, Piers Anthony, Donaldson, Brooks(Landover series). 


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  8. 19 minutes ago, futureman said:

    what is dawn supposed to be?  magic ice or what.  

    if it’s not steel or dragonglass. 

    The Dayne family claims it was a fallen star, they built their castle on the location (Starfall) and forged Dawn from the metal.  It glows white (unlike valyrian steel which is dark and shadowy) and is wielded by the Sword of the Morning (which isn't a continuous line, only when a swordsman is deemed worthy enough by the family).

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