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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by taybo20

  1. It was like every down. The refs just laugh cause they ain’t calling that with Brady back there
  2. We really need “make ‘em eat shit” take over except the ou game. Or maybe there too. what was said during the fight song against Alabama? I wasn’t at the game, but the first game it was “ou suck”
  3. I’m already feeling deflated with this Dallas offense
  4. Why do you think they kept face masking and pulling jerseys…they were dirt bags. They were twisting ankles in piles too. Happened to Bijan twice
  5. Ever since 2015 OSU, I’ve felt basically this same way. I hate to be the complainer of refs, but I started this thread years ago because of all the bullshit I’ve seen that usually goes against us. Just sick of it
  6. We gotta find the emotion bro! We gotta feed that to the team. If fans are having a let down, why should we expect different from the team? let them know we are here supporting them through social media. If you’re in Austin, let them know if you see them. Culture is changing for the team, let’s change for the fans as well! We gotta bring it for UTSA. The team needs us
  7. Yeah but before Ewers goes out, the game plan was working. And quite frankly, regardless of what Sark says, the game plan definitely changed with card and was changed further when his leg got busted up. We can sit here all day and discuss why Bijan wasn’t involved more, but the game plan changed when Ewers went out.
  8. Yeah idk what I’m remembering now. It’s all a blur I guess edit: actually your screenshot is early. Sanders hasn’t released yet. Doesn’t matter cause they are on Card when it starts to develop tho
  9. Again, his shoulder was fucked up and clearly he wasn’t himself. And he was not even on the field for multiple plays. The crazy thing about that play, is that bama jumped the flat pass to Sanders and doubled him and behind on the wheel we had someone completely wide open which could have scored the TD.
  10. My understanding is that the field was already purchased because the old field was absolutely just end of life and worn out. So they went ahead with replacement. But the choice is Sark’s and if he wants grass, CDC was open to changing it over.
  11. There’s no doubt in my mind if Quinn stays in, we win by double digits
  12. Bijan got hurt. Not sure if you noticed but his shoulder was fucked up in the 2nd half.
  13. Yeah that was egregious
  14. Love my Horns! Let’s fucking go boys! I believe!
  15. Face mask on K Rob No Safety Holding on Ovie sucks and there were certainly other opportunities, but those were awful no calls and had direct impact on the game
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