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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by troph

  1. 9 hours ago, Pimphand said:

    If you are too fucking stupid to realize earths waning magnetic field allowed Aurora Borealis shows as far south as Puerto Rico from simple X5 solar flares is a problem well I ain't got nuttin for you man. It's a shame the parasympathetic nervous system keeps you breathing because you are clearly too stupid to do so on your own.

    Use that pimphand like ya mean it bruh. 

    bitch slap GIF

    • Haha 3
  2. so I'm Gen X as a lot of you are. It got really creative after that, Gen Y, Gen Z now Gen Alpha. Speaking of happiness of kids, what about the next generation, are they gonna be labelled Gen Beta because if so, we got a whole other problem brewing in the background. thank god it won't be my kids.

    • Haha 2
  3. On 4/29/2024 at 5:38 PM, 0xdeadbeef said:

    Google   alfredson protocol for achilles tendonitis

    The exercise protocol has had a bunch of controlled science studies that validates it works.   In a nutshell it involves doing an exercise that stretch the calf and achilles tendon under load (eccentric heel drops).

    I trashed my achilles tendon in a Half Ironman and after a surgeon couldn't help and a PT was clueless, I stumbled on this on the web. (It had only been published a few years earlier, so it wasn't all over the web like today).  It worked. 


    This is core to any plantar fasciitis recovery. There are other things to do that help alleviate pain but this is the fundamental exercise and many other exercises indirectly aid this one. Thanks for sharing I didn’t know the background. 

    ps mine is finally better. Just in time for lower back pain, hip pain and general tightness around my left side. Need to lose some weight. 😕

  4. 15 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    And that 6 year old's name?  You guessed it.  Tony Gwynn! 

    We live literally in the shadow of one of the biggest football powerhouse High Schools in all of the Lone Star State.  And I still chuckle at some of the dad's I know who ask me about connecting them with UT coaches and scholarship folks so their sons can get a leg up on the competition before college applications/recruiting season ramps up.  And I have to maintain a straight face when a parental couple, both of whom are 5'7" in heels ask me about basketball chances for their boy.  Or a kid who can't even figure out how to put on a baseball glove at 12, let alone hit a breaking ball.  And no, your kid who is still having trouble with the alphabet in middle school is probably not gonna get a letter of recommendation from me for any university.  

    My oldest has been doing some more sporting leagues this last two years since we came outta Covid.  And I love that she realizes first and foremost-be a good teammate.  Second-respect the rules.  Third-worry about winning.  In that order.  Precisely.  And despite the competitive nature of the community in Austin which we find ourselves, all of the leagues/tournaments/sports have been pretty chill and kinda follow the order I just described.  But on Sunday, her team finally ran into one of those teams run by two asshats who think every girl on their squad is gonna play championship volleyball at UT someday.  And they sure as shit acted the part.  It was like watching Coach Bobby Knight scream at 9 year olds.  On Mother's Day, mind you.  

    Teach 'em teamwork, respect for rules and officials.  Then scores/wins.  And pepper in fun wherever you can.  Spoiler alert---do the math.  There's a very finite number of roster spots for student-athletes of any gender, in a fixed number of sports across three divisions and NAIA (only 50% of which actually award athletic scholarships, and even then only partial for the most part).  

    Statistically speaking, your kid has a better chance of becoming a paid rally car racer than a paid NIL baseball player at a D1 program.  Maybe some folks should tap the brakes, hug their kids, and teach them Mandarin.  

    The professionalization of youth sports, music, arts and academics is easily as much of the problem for kids as social media or anything else.

    trying to get good instruction, learn the values that come with team sports, and reject the 10,000 hour rule for a 12 year old is hard to do. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 6 hours ago, horn4life said:

    I didn't know shit about it until I saw a guy pull in a couple reds when sitting on the beach with our rug rats.  How else was I to fish with little kids at the coast? It's certainly not always the most productive, but it's the most fun you can have with PVC pipe!  I often refer to it as "DWF" ... drinking while fishing

    We are looking at permanent RV spots in rockport wr may be giving up the beach RV life. But man what I wouldn’t give to yank a red that’s edible right on the beach and have dinner right there. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, horn4life said:

    I agree with the go with some guides to cut the learning curve.  Another thing you might find interesting is the TV show Texas Insider Fishing Report. I tape it in large part to live vicariously on the three regional coastal reports, and the tricks and tips part of the show would be great to cut your learning curve.  https://texasinsiderfishingreport.com/

    Once you catch the coastal fever you can spend money all day long if you want to, but perhaps the best thing you can learn in advance is to take care of your gear by washing it and wiping it down after each coastal use.  My favorite fishing is actually sitting on the beach with the wife and dog surf fishing waiting for that big pole to bend. I may not always catch fish, but I usually catch a buzz.

    I’ve never figured out surf fishing. But a couch a beer a dog a pretty woman and a rod standing up in the sand evokes a feeling of contentment for sure. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. The thing is if you’ve had any experience with the church you know, they won’t let their daughters bleed out to support the law. publicly they say one thing privately they will do another. There are going to be plenty of impromptu mountain or pacific vacations among the churched (let’s be real that’s who is behind these insane positions) in the coming years. The only people who will be forced to suffer are the poor, the rest will do what they need to do and some will do it with the utmost and impressive levels of hypocrisy. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  8. 47 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Said it before and I'll say it again - the word "privilege" might be thrown around a little too much these days, but the real privilege is being born to good parents who take an active role in raising and supporting a child.  Kids also emulate their environment.  You are spastic and anxious all the damn time, guess what....your kids probably will be as well.  You lose your shit in traffic or watching right/left-wing media all the time, they're watching.  You tell them to get their shit together while you're on the coach drinking a beer and looking like 200lbs of chewed bubble gum.  They're watching.  


    4 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    There's a lot of truth to this, but in another thread we touched upon there being no single reciple. As Troph demonstrated, she's gone out of her way after viewing her parents to be galvinized and do the opposite/improve. To paraphrase tupac, a rose can grow in concrete. But our house is pretty close to your thought process. Our overarching message to our kiddo at this point in his life is just to be kind. And we participate in everything he does. 

    You are both right and in my little anecdotal example I’ll be brutally honest. Some days I’m exhausted from my upbringing. Some days the only hope I have is that I’m changing it for my sons. Shitty parents are a fucking beating. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 52 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Tell me it isn't so.....;)


    Kidding.  If you ignore all the BS, it's not a bad school, especially the business and vet schools.  We visited.  Just too damn big.  Also visited OU.  It was more like a pep-rally.  Had the dude dressed as a horse walking around high fiving everyone.  After the second or third time that the band played boomer-sooner, wife texted me and said I can't take this shit anymore and they left early.  

    OU, A&M, Tech and most of the SEC schools are off limits in my house. We have modest college savings but I’ll suck it up and find another way before we do any of those.

    UTSA and UTD as a transfer to UT are the only other schools besides UT my sophomore is looking at. Oregon, Washington, and Michigan (not sure why) are on his list. Trips start soon…

    but back to the happiness issue - my childhood was shit, not overly abusive or anything but shit (don’t get me wrong bare ass belt whippings were a thing). Not a lot of fun, preoccupied narcissistic or depressed all to hell parents, shit rolls downhill, no money, strained and distant relationships with my folks, blah blah, and I think the fun deficit and lack of good memories is a major issue for me that I’m still chasing. I’ve tried to balance with my kids so they have fun and have a well of good memories to draw upon to feel positive about their lives. I truly think if kids can be kids then you’ve got a good foundation to launch from. The hard part is all the fucked up adults keep driving their kids over the cliff or let society do it for them. 

  10. 4 hours ago, utee94 said:

    I'd just like to point out that I'm not part of the argument about whether or not "rain bomb" is a stupid or annoying phrase, I don't care one way or the other.

    I'm simply commenting that the first time I ever heard it used was about the Marble Falls rain event in 2007, and that it was not used regarding the Memorial Day flood of 1981, at the time of that event.

    You know, for the record.

    Rain bomb denier. 

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