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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. trace the quotes, hebilous says wokeness is the issue.
  2. hate isn't the issue here, that's a fabrication, understanding that queer folks are here to stay and should be integrated into society is a MASSIVE problem with the youth. not even climate change comes close to damage the queer acceptance movement is causing. we need to go back to when these mother fucking homos, fags and queers killed themselves instead of giving them space to thrive. seriously.
  3. did you really just say that? the quiet part out loud? jesus johnny.
  4. troph


    what's lost in all of this is Georgia looked like ass against Bama a few weeks ago. Texas can turn this around and play with fire the rest of the season. As for the QB discussion, Arch will be better than QE, I don't see how he can be this year though. Klatt had a really good take on the game, it was won and lost in the span of four series where Texas offense shit the bed and they had 3 short fields in a row and were then up 17-0. Special teams penalty, shit punt, two turnovers and BAM down 3 scores just like that. From that point, the game plan was off the rails and it took too long to get back on track.
  5. troph


    his take on the call reversal was shit. it's not a kid throwing a fit wanting a candy bar. it was a supreme injustice with officials intervening in the outcome of the game with a horrible call. while a much more extreme situation it's of the same type of pressure as a coach yelling at the official. not a petulant child wanting something he doesn't need. in fact, if I fuck up with my kids, like big time, and they object - even if they are out of line - it is my responsibility to correct my wrong.... then deal with my child's behavior separately. basically (if you assume Texas fans were wrong) then correct BOTH wrongs. But Klatt is correct, coaches need the ability to unilaterally challenge plays and calls... big time.
  6. gorgeous fish and scenery btw. and look at you with the nicely cared for hands. I hadn't been fishing since July and I typically pay a guide at least once a month and then fish on my own another 5-6 times per year. so yeah, totally get needing it badly.
  7. Guads do fish like trout but they can demolish a fly - so can a trout - but I’ve never seen a guad sip a fly gracefully. Just smash the hell out of it. It’s what makes it fun.
  8. for whatever reason, fly fishing for bass has generally illuded me. not sure why, partially because I don't invest enough time in it, haven't spent a lot of time with guides but yesterday on a whim I hooked up with my guide and we fished the San Marcos and I had a great day. 4-5 "large" guads, one small large mouth, more sun fish than I can count, my first rio cichlid (!!!) fiesty little fucker, and some smaller guads. All in I probably caught just under 20 fish on a gorgeous day out on the river. btw decided to have a walk-off catch largest guad of the day smashed a popper - not elegant at all - nothing "trout like" about it just a violent smash equal to twice it's size.
  9. what the hell is with his contortions not to spell out "ass" and "fuck" with spellings like "fugg" and "arse" and "Ayuus" what a weird bunch these asshats are.
  10. I completely disagree. close up of sark's face before he yanked QE showed terror in his eyes. Sark will get there, but he's still one step below what Saban was and what Smart is.
  11. this COE guy seems like one of the brighter ones.
  12. QE played like shit there isn’t a player or coach on offense that should be allowed to go free on this. Abysmal performance. QE was scared and his coach fed off that too. Sark’s job is not to be terrified when a 20 something player is. I saw that terrified look in QE’s eyes and thought oh no. I saw that terrified look in sark’s eyes and knew we were in deep shit. The thing is when you panic you can’t think. Sark’s job is to solve the problem. He couldn’t he was scared shitless too.
  13. I think Georgia is the only team with a defense good enough to beat us. Oregon might have the offense to do it. Other than that Texas is in every other game. We can win it all still. We just need Georgia to be upset before we have to play them.
  14. Fuck the refs I have zero complaints for the students. We were sold a conference of equals, that was a protect the old guard SEC butt fucking. One of the worst calls I have EVER seen and match it with what was being called back and it’s top 5 worst calls of my lifetime. The SEC needs to fine the refs too. Fuck em.
  15. I’ve been at Texas ou games back in the day where we students launched cups of Coke and uh something. Rained Jack and Coke all over us, some of it made the field in pretty sure. and I don’t give a fuck, the call was fucking horrible. We were told professionalism was as the standard for referees not protecting old guard SEC teams. Fuck that shit. I didn’t throw anything but we shouldn’t apologize for shit.
  16. it wasn't the loss, it was how it happened. we all expected at least one loss from OU or UGA going into the season. so nothing surprising happened score board wise. What was a total mind fuck was seeing a veteran Oline get whipped. The DL ultimately played much better gave up points on short fields and the one long drive ugh, but when stops were needed either first half - short field notwithstanding - or that crucial 4th quarter TD drive (twice) when Texas was down 8 were on the DL didn't get to the QB and didn't stop Etiene (sp?). game of inches even in an ass whipping and when they needed it, they got it. when we needed it, we didn't. ass fucking kicking of the worst kind.
  17. It was sark panic pure and simple. In the end Georgia handled us. But at least the team regrouped at half.
  18. At two losses with two poor performances there’s plenty to be worried about. I think this team runs the table.
  19. Georgia lost to Alabama. Texas lost to Georgia. Shit happens. No need for ledge jumping, this isn’t the Big 12 anymore. It’s exceedingly rare to go undefeated in league play. The ledge will only be warranted if Texas shits the bed again in the regular season. All goals still remain in front and most reasonable people wanted to be a one loss team after OU and UGA. Here we are.
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