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Certifiably Surly
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troph last won the day on January 2

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  1. cultivating it? beautiful gardens, lovely vegetable gardens? I don't get it.
  2. it's everywhere, and on every plane and in every airport. travelers beware, hosts receiving travelers beware.
  3. losing ground with black voters by 12 points? a "truth nuke" what is that?
  4. and they mow our lawns, build our houses, repair our houses, repair our cars, grow and harvest our food, help cook and serve our food at restaurants. and some actually do pay into the SS system but won't be able to get benefits. if there ever was a justification for a humane, well thought out worker program for non-citizens, non-residents, this is it.
  5. these two posts, plus some shit he got done, best describe why he is the best president of my lifetime.
  6. of course. but it's not like upper Colorado where it's 10 inches of rain (this spring) and zero in LT.
  7. well the closer to LT the better that's true and if the rain isn't enough to cause those dams to be open then it means nothing but if you flood the llano it's LT water - it's why I said excess rain. the last two meaningful bumps for LT (not the 1 foot late spring) were both Llano River events if my memory is not mistaken.
  8. up 5 feet, looks up 3 already wasn't LT at 634 recently? the other thing many don't realize (all you old ass men aka weather nerds know), every lake below Buchanan is constant level so any excess rain (defined as enough to raise lake levels) below Buchanan will flow into Travis. the Llano is one of the biggest watersheds for Travis and it's not technically shown in the Travis watershed.
  9. btw I share because the common message is stay home and tough it out. yes do that *if* it works. if it doesn't there is a protocol and it helps. you don't have to live with shortness of breath for a month.
  10. furk, another trip to the ER... panic attack. 9 nights out of 13 with less than 6 hours of sleep, 2 nights with less than 2. this post-covid symptom thing is bullshit. BUT... that was two nights ago, the ER gave me prednisone and so now I have prednisone and the asthma inhaler. slept like shit two nights ago, prednisone takes some time. feel asleep at 7am. yesterday, did some research on "cytokine storm" which even if I have it's mild. but i'm day 14 now and without the sleep, panic attacks and shortness of breath I don't give a fuck nothing mild about it to me. so I went to the store and loaded up on anti-inflammatory and low histamine foods only. after that, I sat out side and pondered my situation and started dreading the night. so I went to the doctor and got a low dose xanax script. never had one. prednisone finally hit early evening, I took a .5mg xanax and then laid on a blanket in the grass and dosed off looking at the trees and the sky. got up, went to bed and slept for 12 hours. that should help my immune system heal. sleep, what a novel concept. I've got about a week of this protocol maybe 6 days. hopefully that's enough to tamp down the hornets nest my immune system has become. my best friend has long covid but is getting well. she had covid early and had long covid symptoms but no one knew what to do, she got in a long covid clinic a year later with a pulmonologist who is probably one of the experts, she said that's the protocol - steriods to tamp down the inflammation, inhaler as well, extreme anti-inflammatory, low histamine diet, and low fodmaps diet, and then handle anxiety/sleep. her long covid clinic lead doctor has testified before congressional committees, and is fairly politically active on the topic trying to get the protocols out there. they now know what to do, but standard of care isn't even. her position is this shit needs to be in every doctor's office and hospital in the US. two phases, get to covid negative, not a lot you can do there, paxlovid does help but get to negative, then phase two, calm and rehabilitate your immune system. the virus is gone but your immune system is an angry hornets nest stinging everything in sight. for some it's really, bad for others like me it's just shortness of breath, sleepless nights and panic attacks. took 2 ER visits and 2 doctor visits to get there, but I feel 100% better. now I'm drugged up and need to get off these steroids but for now let the post-covid healing begin.
  11. The last show of the night on Fox had the same shit or versions of it.
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