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Certifiably Surly
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troph last won the day on January 2 2024

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  1. Y'all know what I and my wife have been through the last six months - and the last week if you visit the getting old sucks thread - well today she took her best friend to MD Anderson - best friend has stage 4 breast cancer - they can’t find it in the breast, they found it in her lymph nodes and blood. Turns out even mammograms every six months didn’t turn it up (family history led to more frequent scans). Not the lumpy kind, oh great. So far gone, they won’t do radiation, chemo or surgery. There is an immunological drug that’s been approved for about 5 years that could work but she’ll be on the drug for life and they also have to stamp down her estrogen to zero since it’s estrogen dependent. Won’t know if it works for 4 months. MD Anderson is the fucking tits though. Got this all done in two days, she’s on the estrogen blockers tonight will have the cancer drug by next week. I really hope this works, she’s an amazing lady, and my wife’s bestie. I remember when my wife wondered if this woman liked us and she was worried because she wanted to be her friend. Fuck.
  2. troph


    There is an alternative, you can throw away your cell phone and turn in that Mercedes and ride a bicycle, hunt for your food and live in a tent, you’ll be the only one and it won’t make a damn bit of difference, plus I hear the moral high ground gets really windy at night.
  3. excellent prognostication, but you forgot new number 9. I've revised for you.
  4. Yep. play the Kiss albums backward and it says very clearly “I love Satan.” the possible good news is after the 1980’s backlash we enjoyed progress. Hoping we have the same coming in the future. Not banking on it given other factors like resource scarcity, climate change induced global stress, wealth inequality, decentralized threats like terrorism, and population density.
  5. During the 1980s you also had the AIDS crisis so LGB folk were a public obsession much like TQ folk are today. There was also a push for visibility. The political battle included Equal Rights Ordinances in municipalities across the country, much like the school board fights over trans rights now as trans visibility surges. And like the substantial defeats trans folk are suffering now, so did LGB folk in the 1980’s. yes there are a lot of similarities.
  6. troph

    Getting old sucks

    well, my wife is now an orphan at 54 years old. Her mom passed away yesterday less than a week after my wife's dad passed. She was ailing too and hung on to see her husband pass, then she fell asleep that night and woke up only occasionally to eat ice cream. She passed very peacefully yesterday afternoon. She was a great mom, and an officer's wife following her husband from Crane, Texas to the military where she spent most of her time in San Diego or DC finishing up back in Texas in College Station. She was often left alone as her husband traveled for the Country and raised three daughters right by the looks of how dutiful and agreeable they were together in the final months of their parents' life. They will be buried together in San Antonio in a military funeral.
  7. I hear San Diego is a nice trip for the kids right around New Year’s Eve.
  8. Solved but it’s still going to take a few years.
  9. God damn when he’s on he’s fucking on. Best of luck Quinn!
  10. Jax is a hero. he's been up at memory care the last week with momma as her mom fades. He didn't always get to go when her dad was dying but Jax made it up there a few times. He's not afraid of the situation and just lays with his momma as her dad and now her mom say goodbye to this world. dogs are the best, but Jax is the very best.
  11. Man if you ever deserved a negatory, this is it. Merle is great but the sound in you head needs to be TVZ on this one.
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