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Certifiably Surly
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RDCanecutter last won the day on March 14 2023

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25467 Surly 1%


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  1. No doubt. That trend has been going for a good 60 years now. I remember "helping" my Dad work on our Impala back in the early 70s and it looked like there was space enough to crawl in next to the engine and take a nap. Then 80s Toyotas were simple to work on, but you had to subcontract a 5-year-old to reach some of the bolts. 90s saw widespread reliability with a last gasp of simplicity.
  2. The only person who deliberately tried to scam me of eBay was a Christian musician. I know because I looked his ass up on social media. Fucker tried to blame the church secretary for not mailing the (nonexistent) package. He mighta had the Church on his side, but he didn't have a tracking number. Win one refund for the heathens.
  3. Be kinda funny if she won, and every opportunistic valet/dancer/bartender tries to romance her for the loot like something out of a 1930s detective story.
  4. I am befuddled why people would want to save money on the gas instead of the car. But yeah, German engineering, love it or don't, do NOT play games with it.
  5. So hubs wasn't getting it done and she was looking for a sugar daddy? Did you take her to Applebee's and let her pick any dessert? Pics? Did she leave crazy voice mails?
  6. On Days of Sloth I'll turn on the app just to preserve my streak as I sit on my ass drinking coffee. Without me moving, it will give me credit for 4 or 5 hexes as it zones in on me. Sometimes I can stretch my arm out and claim yet another one. Exercise.
  7. Get together with the other helicopter moms, and all agree to just shove your kids out into the yard and tell them to play. Like, make up a game or some shit.
  8. I think my son was about 9 when he stopped wanting to go to McDonalds. Maybe 10, I dunno. Anyway, too bad 8 year-olds can't vote, they'd love that McD Trump photo op.
  9. You didn't tell me we were fightin in a basement.
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