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Certifiably Surly
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RDCanecutter last won the day on March 14 2023

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22992 Surly 1%


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  1. Say what you will about the southern border, at least they have decent Mexican food and very few South Dakota governors.
  2. Thanks, but I am free of neighbor rage at the moment. Most of them plopped around us about ten years ago as Young Professionals helped into a house by Mommydaddy, and there were growing-up pains for a couple of them. But now it's pretty mellow and if they can put up with my Crazy Hippy ass I can do the same for them.
  3. There's a dad across the fence who is teaching his kids to throw and catch baseballs. Let's call him Dr. Jekyll. Normally he's all hubba-bubba bland suburban comity and I'll toss balls back to his kids who lose them in our yard. But once Serious Bidness Throwing Practice starts, he changes to focused Psycho Killer Dad and that's when I like to walk up to the fence, call his name until he stops practice, and offer him an old baseball that we found elsewhere. He looks like he wants to fight me every time . I've done it twice so far.
  4. You didn't like the Confederate statues? There's no pleasing some people.
  5. Getting close to 300 days in Gaelic, and have met at least 3 other people locally interested in it-- one Duolingo dude like me, a bagpiper who appears at any vaguely Scottish event, and an actual Highlander from Inverness who grew up speaking it. I feel that the time is ripe to start a club for us and any randos who might pitch in. I have teaching experience, but am not fluent enough to teach this. We'd have to count on most interested parties having zero knowledge, so maybe I could help them get rolling, and ask our Real Scottish Dude to guide us further. There have to be some drinking songs out there.
  6. Every single state flips from what it is to what it isn't. Gonna be historic.
  7. The Planetary Emperor will be disappointed to hear this.
  8. It'll be even better if this book is a vanity project and she paid the publisher to print her career-shooting-in-the-face-by-the-gravel-pit stories.
  9. Plus the damn thing might sell to people mining it for fresh horrors.
  10. I kinda like the old "real coins meant to jingle" gold-copper alloy. I'd go Mexican if they had, say, a vintage 40 peso. The 50 peso Centenario just seems outside my ability to focus, but maybe by the time I gather enough $ to get an ounce I will have grown stronger.
  11. We haven't even touched on the poor assholes who work in the gravel pit. I am sure they appreciate trying to eat a Snickers bar with big green corpse flies from the dead animals bumping against their teeth. Much less just trying to delver a load of gravel and there are bleached bones and hide mixed all in it.
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