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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. The gypsies were actually banned from Veterans Park (softball fields off Clifford) a few years ago, not sure if that’s still in effect. 

    I wound up banning them from Joe’s Crab Shack back in the day. The older crews weren’t bad at all. It was the god damned young ones that were the assholes.
  2. We missed all the bad hail in Annetta. Just big enough to make a few noises hitting the roof.

    My daughter dances (fuck your rules) at studio that was across from the Gypsy trailer park(studio has since moved). Those little fucks threw rocks at me after I made them leave the studio because they were harassing the girls. They were saying things that my 38yr old self still has never said. Somehow the pussies never hit me or a vehicle.

    Which reminds me of the rock throwing champion days of my childhood. Grew up all in and around the Castleberry School District. We were dirt poor so literally all I did was throw things for fun. Rocks mostly. We were living on Isabell when I was 4 and I was throwing rocks over the house to the front. Apparently I hit more than one car. Got my ass whipped for that.

    What I really thought of was we eventually we wound up over off Sam Calloway down towards the river. Well if you didn’t know the bridge where you crossover from Westworth to RO has a damn under it. Well my sister (she’s a big girl you don’t want pics and white so no Vic) would always go play down there. One day we were on the RO side of the River and two older kids were on the other and they decided to chunk rocks at us. I bent over to find the best throwing rock I could that I knew I could curve in the wind. Let loose and watched the thing fly. Next thing I knew one of those kids grabbed his head and wound up falling then rolling in to the river. We booked it. Never heard anything about those assholes.

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