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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fudbelty

  1. My shit appears to be borked. There’s CR going on in the thread made for forum issues. It’s my fault for sitting here reading it but I intentionally stay out of CR. Nut cases on both sides make it a miserable place.
  2. I was always partial to New Orleans Nights/Ricks myself.
  3. If you’re talking about the ones to the SW those have been there 20+ years. Fuck I’m old. We played NABA on those fields when I was 19/20.
  4. Shiiiit. At least 8 probably more like 10.
  5. This years 4th hat >> Last years 4th hat
  6. Fucking injuries. Should have made the bet August 10.
  7. Who the fuck is #40? I like the new? Guy.
  8. Woah woah woah, you never told us you have a mom. Pics of sister?
  9. Shit Leody, you were hosed.
  10. Same. Except I think I’m taller. Shit, I lied. Both 6’3.
  11. Board voted 5-0 to demolish LaGrave
  12. I don’t think we had that many hits in four of our six coach pitch games this weekend.
  13. Super top secret Sector 7 field access
  14. Not that it matters but I’d guess 93/94/95 based of the kids Cowboys Tshirt and suede Nike Air Flights. Shirt almost looks like a Super Bowl Shirt from the first two.
  15. Check your PM [mention=1574]AbeFroman[/mention]
  16. I’m late to the party but this is one fine cootterie board.
  17. Fuck. Great season, gents. See ya in the fall.
  18. I’ll be at Rocker B Ranch(google it and take your baseball team if you’re remotely able) coaching and may or may not be checking my phone for updates.
  19. Wouldn’t be surprised if one got electrocuted then the other got it when he tried to help the other. Electricity is fucked up. I’m nervous as shit standing there with the hook and I don’t ever touch the shit.
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