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Certifiably Surly
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2723 Surly 10%

About Fudbelty

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  1. My shit appears to be borked. There’s CR going on in the thread made for forum issues. It’s my fault for sitting here reading it but I intentionally stay out of CR. Nut cases on both sides make it a miserable place.
  2. I was always partial to New Orleans Nights/Ricks myself.
  3. If you’re talking about the ones to the SW those have been there 20+ years. Fuck I’m old. We played NABA on those fields when I was 19/20.
  4. Shiiiit. At least 8 probably more like 10.
  5. This years 4th hat >> Last years 4th hat
  6. Fucking injuries. Should have made the bet August 10.
  7. Who the fuck is #40? I like the new? Guy.
  8. Woah woah woah, you never told us you have a mom. Pics of sister?
  9. Shit Leody, you were hosed.
  10. Same. Except I think I’m taller. Shit, I lied. Both 6’3.
  11. Board voted 5-0 to demolish LaGrave
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