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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fudbelty

  1. Every time I hear that I think of Tim Meadows. Sounds a lot like him.
  2. Foosball got boring so I’m watching third period. If it gets to a two goal game I’ll turn it off.
  3. On 7th. Want to say it was a block or two E of the University and 7th intersection.
  4. I just saw that article on startlegram but don’t pay so couldn’t read. Interesting purchase.
  5. If you went to Joe’s Crab Shack off Bryant Irvin from opening in 01 until 05 I think you had to see me. Worked in the bar most of that time. Hangouts were everywhere in that area. Rack Daddy’s, Woodys, Lonestar the most. Also whatever that damn country bar was.
  6. Just saw a Tweet confirming 16 yr old male died and 17 yr old female in critical condition. No matter the reason that’s terrible.
  7. Maybe the googs thinks you’re in Europe? That’s how soccer matches are listed. Home v away. Top bottom/Left right.
  8. Yes and yes. He was actually really cool. I randomly ran in to him a couple weeks later at a golf course a played the last few holes with him. It was definitely younger Kelley I waited on and honestly had no clue who she was. Earl was super nice. Chewbacca(I can never remember his real name) was nice but suuuper reserved and quiet. Wasn’t rude about it at all but it felt like he didn’t want to be recognized.
  9. That was nice. Honestly felt like a shot that gets stopped 98-100 times.
  10. I’ve got the sound down. Was Nadal hurt? Hurting? Looked pretty bad.
  11. Let’s get a td then take a false start. Give Maher something else to look at.
  12. Holy shit. Forgot we played earlier. Excellent win.
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