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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. 10 hours ago, Jacie said:

    Dear sa*et, congratulations on a good win.

    The rest of the Big XII conference is happy to see you won't sink to Kansas-like levels of ineptitude.

    Oh, one more thing, a good win does not negate a bad loss (see tOSU 2017, Iowa 55 Ohio State 24) so even if you manage to win the conference title and the ensuing championship game, don't expect to be invited to the playoff. 


    the CFP Committee



    For all of your crowing "We're back!" and "We're Texas", in reality, you aren't back and no one cares who you are.

    Take the loss, pussy. 


    Also, I’m an idiot and can’t figure out WTF “sa*et” is supposed to be. Only thing I come up with is Salet. 

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