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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BigOrange1

  1. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Irrespective of anyone's feelings about someone else, it is a fucking bitchass move to come over here and steal another dude's handle. If that is what The Flagship did to Derka, he should be fucking banned/negged/whatever the fuck. I hate that kind of spineless shit and it's entirely indicative of a whole subsegment of fuckheads inside the Shaggy/Surly culture. 

    i just don't even understand the mindset that leads one to do that.  like, it never once occurred to me to rush over here and register someone else's handle.  it just never entered my mind.  but apparently someone did it to me as well because when i tried to register "BigOrange" it told me the handle was already taken.  

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  2. 4 hours ago, Dirk X West said:

    That's true.  Again, I know a big part of his decision will be how bad he needs the money.  These young guys have to be noticing, though, that a lot of past "one and done" players don't ultimately make it in the NBA.  So, do you want one rookie contract and that's it, or do you want to prepare to have a long career?

    i don't have the numbers on it or anything, but i'd guess that the vast majority of 1 and done guys who have been picked in the first round got a 2nd nba contract.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, Dirk X West said:

    He's not ready to play in the NBA, and he knows it.  I know lots of guys are tempted by the money - and I don't know what his family background is money wise - but after another year of college, where he'll be the star of the team, he'll be a lot better player.  We'll see, but lots of people are saying that behind the scenes he's telling people he's staying.

    that same argument could be made for 95% of the guys who leave after a year.

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