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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. 5 minutes ago, 686 said:

    Well sounds like there is video so that’s nice. Also an (unsubstantiated) twitter link is guessing a search and recovery operation going on of the coast of Romania. A different link saying Russia has a salvage operation going on off Crimea. I hope we publish the location of the incident.


    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. On 3/10/2023 at 12:23 PM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    in my hometown if you carefully selected halfway between channels Q & R on the cable set top box, you effectively got the the adult channel. Or so I was told. I feel there is a homage to that experience on this site.

    Another good memory is receiving the HBO viewing guide and schedule, via mail, for the upcoming month.


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  3. On 3/10/2023 at 1:13 PM, Magus Ossis said:

    I have no inside scoop on Maalik, but I have a couple of thoughts. (1) from a medical standpoint, it is the rare ankle injury that suddenly makes a dramatic improvement this late in the game. (2) Sark's nonverbal cues when discussing Malik were a bit different than when discussing some other guys. He did more talking while looking down and to his left with less upper facial muscle involvement and left-handed gesturing (though Sark is inconsistent with this tell)-- until he came to the topic of competition. When his answer shifted themes, he was back to candid and excited coach instead of cagy answer coach. He didn't look like a guy who expects to see a single actual game snap out of Murphy. Psych is not my field, but there's my take-- hope I'm wrong.


    On 3/10/2023 at 8:00 PM, South Austin said:

    So you’re telling us that Maalik is dead and Sark is part of a cover up.  Fuck, how am I going to tell my kids about this?


    On 3/10/2023 at 8:14 PM, someguy said:

    where are people getting the idea that Murphy's injury is related to the high school injury? Is that sourced anywhere?


    On 3/10/2023 at 9:13 PM, Nope said:




    Supposedly Murphy reinjured his ankle playing basketball and the coaches are pissed. It's a rumor so TIFWIW. I don't know if it's true, but might explain the haziness about the situation.


  4. 13 hours ago, mdmost said:

    I don't buy that at all. Sounds like more fanboi supposition. He was never fired but his Netflix deal did push back his involvement in future Star Wars movies. Bob Iger wanting more Star Wars movies in theaters might help him but Lucasfilm already said they're going away from more trilogies and only doing stand alone films like Taika Waititi's one that still being written. 


    Right on que

  5. 8 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

    Once Ukraine has their armored divisions ready I predict they make a blitzkrieg to Mariopol , then work north with the armor. Meanwhile an offensive from Kherson towards Crimea begins.

    All the while a massive artillery, rocket, missile barage clears them paths towards their objectives.

    Advance the armor, "Race to Baghdad style.

    Whatever happens it needs to be a two pronged offensive so the orcs can't consolidate a defense. 


    Melitopol imo


    3 hours ago, Gatorubet said:


    Would love to read it. Can someone with a subscription post the article?




    Heavy battle tanks have become the crucial weapon system for Kyiv as the fighting has ground to a stalemate war of attrition.

    The priority for the Ukrainian forces is to break through Russian defences that have been built up in the Donbas region over the last few months and seize back territory occupied by Moscow’s invasion forces. For these two operations, they need advanced tanks.

    Until now Nato has supplied Russian-made T-72s held by eastern European members of the alliance. While effective they have not given Ukraine the technological and operational edge they need to overcome Russia’s armoured forces.

    The US Abrams M1A1 and M1A2 tanks and Germany’s Leopard 2s will provide that extra capability. But will they arrive in time to confront the anticipated Russian spring offensive in March or April?

    The Abrams is the most potent tank in the world and has been battle-tested like no other armoured vehicle. Only nine Abrams have been destroyed in war and seven of those were in error in friendly-fire incidents. The other two were destroyed to avoid capture during the Iraq war in 2003.

    The Abrams, however, is a complex piece of kit and is powered by gas turbines. It is also filled with highly sensitive equipment, which creates maintenance challenges. Even experienced Ukrainian tank operators will require months of training with a logistical back-up team on constant readiness.

    The Pentagon has been reluctant to offer the Abrams, claiming that they would not be appropriate for Ukraine. In fact the fuel issue is not a huge obstacle. The Abrams can run on jet fuel, diesel and petrol and its 490-gallon tank means it can cover 265 miles without refuelling, a significant asset on the battlefield. It can also travel at 45mph.

    However, the Leopard 2s are more likely to be ready for service before the Abrams, and the focus will be on getting these advanced tanks into the field as quickly as possible.


    12 431 VOTES

    Is the UK right to send more weapons to Ukraine?


    Like the Abrams, it is a 55-tonne tank but has a longer range of about 310 miles and can reach speeds of 42mph. Both the American and German tanks have a 120mm smooth bore gun fitted with a fully digital fire control system, allowing accurate shell launches on the move.

    There are at least 2,000 Leopard 2s in Europe so it is possible that Ukraine will eventually receive the 300 or so tanks it says it needs to make a significant difference on the battlefield, including the 14 Challenger 2s already pledged.

    With so many tanks en route to Ukraine, the challenge will be to deliver them safely without being targeted by Russian bombers, drones and long-range missiles. Road and rail routes into Ukraine from Poland, Germany and Slovakia will be used. Until now Russian strikes have failed to have any impact on Nato’s weapons supply routes.

    Abrams tanks are not going to be seen on the battlefield in Ukraine for a long time, possibly not even by the end of this year. But America’s decision to send them has provided the political cover the Berlin government needed before announcing the dispatch of Leopard 2s.

    Tank supply

    Leopard 2 inventories of European countries



































    Czech Republic

    Chart: The Times and The Sunday Times • Source: IISS

    What are the advantages of the Challenger 2 and Leopard 2 tanks?

    The Challenger 2 is protected by classified Dorchester armour, making it hard to destroy. The British Army claims that only one has ever been lost in battle, as a result of friendly fire in Iraq. The main advantage of the Leopard 2 is its sophisticated thermal optics, allowing the tank’s gunner and its commander to spot the enemy night and day. Both tanks have a 120mm gun, a standard size that makes it easier to supply Ukraine with ammunition.

    How many tanks does Ukraine have left?

    Ukraine started the war with 900 Soviet-made T-64s, T-72s and T-80s. Since then, it has captured as many as 500 extra Russian tanks, although a large number of these are thought to be in a state of disrepair. According to an independent analysis by Oryx, a Dutch consultancy, the Ukrainians have lost 450 tanks.

    Germany agrees to send Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine

    Which tanks is Russia using in Ukraine and how many does it have left?

    Russia has fielded T-62s, T-64s, T-72s, T-80s and T-90s in Ukraine. The Kremlin has lost 1,630 tanks since the beginning of the war, according to Oryx, which analyses battlefield videos and images to tally losses.

    That is about half the number of operational tanks the Kremlin had in February last year: about 3,330, according to the Military Balance report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

    Last week the Ministry of Defence warned that President Putin could accelerate the introduction of its T-14 “Armata” tanks, a new generation of Russian heavy armour. However, British intelligence assesses the tanks are not ready for conflict and it is thought their deployment would probably be used for propaganda purposes.



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  6. 9 hours ago, BamaATL said:

    The funny thing is, their principle tank engine designs are still based on models we sent them in the early 1940s, initially lead by one Walter Chrysler, who has in fact been dead for over 80 years now. 


    Walter Christie


    8 hours ago, texasdago said:

    I've read Empire of the Summer Moon... I don't know that our treatment of the Comanches and other indian tribes (aka all indian tribes) provides the righteous "right side of history" example you think.


    Read it again. There way no way aside from how it played out.

  7. 2 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    No, his turn away from just having a myriad of guests on and hearing them out, to inserting his own mostly right wing opinions while talking with mostly right wing guests is why I think he’s a political grifter.

    6-7 years ago, Rogan’s podcast was a really diverse platform that covered a wide range of topics.  Occasionally the guests were political.  They were from all over the map.

    During COVID there got to be more political guests, they were mostly of the same political persuasion, and the discussion always hammered that side’s talking points.

    And I lost interest because I was tired of that shit.


    I didn't care about the politics even though the populists, contrarians, and morons annoyed me. It was allowing outright conspiracy theorists, pseudoscientists, and general dipshits like Bob Lazar and Graham Hancock that really disappointed me.

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