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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. 5 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    Then I will volunteer as an investigator.

    I will specialize in interviewing young Russian widows to find out what they know about any crimes from talking to their late husbands.


    Evidently the Russian women don't mind their husbands raping as much as you'd think.




    • Rage+1 3
  2. On 12/23/2022 at 10:28 AM, mdmost said:

    Sizemore was on a short lived CBS show created by Michael Mann called Robbery Homicide Division. Essentially a Heat like show set in the early 00s. It only ran for 10 episodes before it was cancelled. I think it's the vehicle that got Mann interested in redoing Miami Vice and Collateral. I don't think it's available to stream anywhere. I remember it was a big player on the HD Channel since it was shot in digital. 


    I also have Heat 2 on my bookshelf. Hoping to dive in next week during the slow work week/holiday week. 


    On 12/23/2022 at 11:34 AM, billfromlaketravis said:

    Looks like at least two episodes are on Youtube. 


    On 12/23/2022 at 2:06 PM, Parliament said:




    They're all on YT




  3. 16 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    So waaay back in April, when there was a specific attack that at the time that the UKr's really REALLY thought they killed Gerasimov along with 2 or 3 other generals

    I actually think they got 1 of their 8 dead generals in that attack, and later reports came out that Gerasimov might have sustained a small wound, but he lived.


    well it turns out, that the U.S. knew exactly where Gerasimov was, and kept that information from Ukraine, because they were afraid that killing the 2nd in command of the whole Russian Army might have "escalated" the conflict even more  (how they thought that in APRIL, I have no fucking idea), because we all realized by then that it was by sheer force of numbers that Russia was doing anything on their Eastern/Southern fronts, not because of anything special they were doing.   

    But the U.S. kept the Gerasimov visit and location secret, and tried to keep the UKr's from figuring it out... but those sneaky UKr's did on their own... so the U.S. then tried to get them to STOP the attack on the headquarters that held Gerasimov (too late it turned out)


    But this is highly disappointing to read.   wiping out Gerasimov and 4 or 5 of his underling generals that were all following him would have majorly helped Ukraine in the conflict decapitating the guys who at least know where everyone is... and I would think that losing your countries #2 General to a bunch of upstart Ukrainians would have possibly woken the Russian public up faster to the fact that their country and army are led by morons.


    US officials tried to stop Ukraine from killing high-ranking Russian general who was on a risky visit to the front lines, report says




    14 hours ago, Parliament said:

    Gosh dang it.  Come on Guys.  Kill that fucker.


    Totally agree, except Gerasimov is a moron and keeping him alive may be better than the alternative. Having said that, our "restraint" is retarded.

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  4. On 10/17/2022 at 12:02 PM, YGIFS said:

    I don't know how our Randall's survives.  It's the literal half-way point between a higher-end HEB and a Trader Joe's.  I've never seen more than ten people at a time in there.  Nothing could ever possibly takeover the massive spot though, so I still pop in there now and again to avoid the urban blight.  

    Anybody know what's happening to the one down on William Cannon?  


    On 10/17/2022 at 8:24 PM, UnivTex34 said:

    Hobby Lobby 


    Yes, now that Brodie Oaks is scheduled to close in the next year or so, the Hobby Lobby moved from there.

  5. 2 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    I watched a bit of it and yeah the royals are a bunch of fucksticks and the paparazzi are worse with these two than they were with Diana. These are the two most normal people in the royal family and just want to be left alone. What's wrong with that? 



  6. On 12/12/2022 at 11:36 AM, Buzzrock said:

    Advanced 3D cameras don’t really help when it’s mostly CGI though right?

    A1 was visually stunning but it wasn’t a very good movie. The characters were mostly one-dimensional and the story was pretty basic. Weaver was a bright spot. Sam Worthington must have had a helluva agent to land the big roles he did during his fifteen minutes of fame. It’s not particularly rewatchable compared to other CGI spectacles like JP1 or the LOTR trilogy, or even recent films like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune. 

    All in one idiot’s opinion of course. And if this turns out to be great then great, I’ll see it. 


    On 12/13/2022 at 8:46 PM, closetojumping said:

    I don’t know what the actual plot of the movie is. I don’t claim to have looked into it. Nonetheless, the previews look like a continuation from the first piece of overhyped shit - Whitey the Testosterone Infected Human shows up to a peaceful virgin planet and immediately begins destroying it because we are the worst fucking organisms in the universe. Only this time, Whitey really fucking means it, motherfuckers. And … there’s a lot of beautiful scenery and sensitive, sympathetic, virtuous natives.  If that isn’t the story, you could have fooled me.

    Also, I let my kids watch Avatar this summer and joined them. It is an absolute piece of shit of a movie that holds up as well as 1970’s wallpaper. Fuck it and fuck this one until I have to buy it for my kids on streaming. 

    Also also, the ride at Disney World is awesome. 


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    They haven't attacked Russia with our weapons systems because we told them not to if they wanted to keep the weapons pipeline open.

    If Ukraine wants to build their own stuff and explode it in Russia, that's fantastic.  But as mentioned upthread, when ATACMs bits with English start winding up littering Russian cities, the game will have changed significantly.  So we need to be mindful of whether we want that to happen.  Maybe we do.  Maybe we don't.


    No shit.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    I don't think there is any certainty on it. But there is a risk.


    I understand that but If they were going to strategically attack Russia proper with American systems, they would have done it by now imo. The closest I've seen is the Ukrainians blew up a Russian border tower a 100 yards across the border with a switchblade, which I think they probably cleared with us.


    39 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    I saw a report the other day that the HIMARs systems in Ukraine have been modified so that they can't use ATACMS, making it a bit more complex.  


    Saw that too. I assume Ukrainians could repair/retrofit a software and hardware re-installation pretty easily. Regardless we're sending more GLMRS anyway, so that shouldn't inhibit ATACMs deployment. It's a purely political decision and it's wrong imo. Supposedly there was an agreement with the Chinese not distribute ATACMs, but I struggle to see why they get a say when the Russians are using them to bypass sanctions while Iran supplies drones and ballistic missiles. Our greatest deterrent always seems to be ourselves.

  9. 46 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    The issue with ATACMS is more political. Are we ready to see U.S. hardware used in a strike against a target inside the Russian Federation’s recognized border. 


    Where does this certainty of Ukraine using them inside Russia coming from? They yet to use any of the weapons we've already given them inside Russia, why would they start now? They very deliberately only used domestic weapons when they've actually tried to attack inside Russia. It's way past time to stop this self defeating hand-wringing and try to win this damned war. Send ATACMs now damnit.

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