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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. 11 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    He was a corporate shill who loves Citizen's United (probably the most destructive legislation to our Democracy in the past 50 years). "Have done well" is extremely subjective, especially if they somehow expanded on the philosophy of corporations having equal rights to individuals. 


    That's domestic, I was speaking geopolitically. No one is perfect, but he would have been worlds better than what we got.

  2. 14 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I think a majority of us chuckled at that as we were still viewing the world thru red white and blue glasses. Romney was spot on with this single issue. 


    He was spot-on about more than that geopolitically. He would have done well.


  3. 4 hours ago, bolverk said:

    But, guess what, she still voted for Obama in 2012, because that one particular issue didn't override her concerns over a multiplicity of other issues.


    The presidency is a foreign policy position at it's core, it's where the majority of the positions power resides. The danger Russia posed to the West was blatantly obvious from 08 forward when it invaded Georgia. If she worked in foreign policy/diplomacy in Russia, and was harassed by the Russian security services, and still voted for Obama because of domestic concerns, she was at least naive, if not ignorant. Obama was such a foreign policy disaster, he made Jimmy Carter look like Ghengis Khan. It's not like his domestic policy was much better. His singular domestic policy "achievement" was undone within one election cycle. McCain and Romney were always dead right.


    4 hours ago, bolverk said:

    In fact, I'm fairly sure that most everyone understood the threat that Putin's Kremlin posed by the 2016 election, except for one soon-to-be president along with his slavish supporters -- many of whom still, to this day, apparently deny. Those are your "Ignorant children."


    I disagree, the ignorant children were the ones touting "reset buttons" and "fresh starts" like they were in a courtroom or a classroom, when they were actually on the playground. They were naive children, and hence were child's play for Putin.


    4 hours ago, bolverk said:

    And, going back to that debate quote responding to the question about "our number one adversary," it sure seems to me that most of the Right Wing is still more concerned over Jyna than Russia today.


    If you think I'm carrying water for Trump, or populists (from any side), you could not be more wrong. I do appreciate the reply sans the mouth breathing vitriol.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 2
  4. Or Romney, who correctly called out and warned us, about the Russians/Putin in 12. Everyone called him a coldwar dinosaur who refused to move on and proclaim the "reset". There was plenty of myopia going around that was quick to dismiss the obvious warning signs out of ignorant, idealist, hope.



    Ignorant children

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Yeah yeah and the swastika is just a tibetan good luck charm, ok buddy


    Umm, it was? Good job referencing Nazis for no reason. Trenchant, timely, and topical.


    26 minutes ago, SKJ said:

    Do you use "deep state" instead of bureaucracy?


    Either depending on topic. Not often.

  6. 8 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I wasn't "gazing" at your navel, I just sorta shot a glance or two that way.


    Technically the Navel in "Navel-gazing" is your Navel. I laughed though

  7. 7 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    Hey guys, I new here and I give you total normal take while using q-adjacent buzzwords. am totally american patriot. not russian bot.


    Not sure who you're referencing, but I've been on Shaggy since the beginning. And again, "Deep State" is not a new term, it's just been co-opted by the populist morons of both sides. The kind of morons who get triggered by words and can't intellectually absorb information in their presence. I will keep using "Deep State" whenever I wish, much like I say "Howdy!" because Texans said "Howdy!" before it was co-opted by Aggies. I'm taking it back damnit!

    You may now continue the usual navel-gazing and circle-jerking associated with echo chamber political forums.


  8. 1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    There is no such thing as the deep state in the United States. It’s a made up concept pushed by the right wing so they can avoid responsibility for actually governing when they are in power and duck responsibility for losing when they aren’t. 

    All the people you mentioned are federal employees hired to do jobs, namely, to implement and advise policy of elected leaders.  They’re just “the state,” nothing deep about them. 


    1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    If you use the term “deep state” as if it’s a thing, you’re probably a moron. 


    20 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    "Deep State" and "MSM" are the two biggest tells I'm talking to a moron. 


    Condescension acknowledged. I know it's used by the populists, but I just meant it as the gears of the machine. "Deep" because it's less followed than the surface politicians. The term existed far before it was co-opted by populists on both sides, any moron knows that. No nefarious conspiracy. No Q.

    • Haha 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    What are you even trying to say?  Elaborate sensically.


    That the unelected part of the Government made up of career employees, the CIA, DOD, JSOC, etc, have been doing a great job of helping Ukraine and advancing our national interest in the war. As incompetent as our politicians and bureaucracy often seem to be, the foreign policy "deep state" has done a good job this year. If the politicians would stay out of the way, imagine what they could do.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 9 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Has there ever been a better ROI for any foreign policy like there has from our policy to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia?  I can’t think of one.

    Way to go, Brandon, indeed.


    The Deep State has been killing it


    3 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    When this shit started, Bill Maher had some woman on the show that has worked in the intelligence sector.  Maher expressed surprise about the shitty Russian equipment, commenting that it was unexpected.  The woman laughed at him and called bullshit.  She said there's an old joke about it.  Maher asked to hear the joke.  She said OK.

    "What doesn't fit up your ass and doesn't buzz".  "I don't know, what?"


    "A russian-made ass buzzer". 



    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. On 7/10/2021 at 12:07 AM, Elvis said:

    I've rewatched so many shows that I have loved - Sopranos, Justified, Bosch, even a lot of sitcoms.  I got tired of Fargo in season 4.  I actually like rewatching shows because I play them on my other monitor while I'm working on stuff that doesn't need close attention.

    SAMCRO is kind of beating.  

    Any recomendations?

    I've seen a lot  Star Trek (since TNG) I think.  Maybe that would be good.  Is DS9 good?  I think I grew out of that show when it was on live.


    Also, thick accents don't work for me, as I'm only occasionally looking at the screen, and it's hard to understand what is going on.


    Community. Great comedy but also a really good show with good characters and writing. I constantly have it on in the background and can't recommend enough.


    On 9/9/2022 at 8:33 AM, Texzilla58 said:

    Orphan Black was great but I can’t find it for free anywhere.




  12. 1 hour ago, Pimphand said:

    No fuckface I am just a resistance class human who is sick of your hive mind bullshit. Do the world a favor and exit the gene pool.


    Good Lord. "Resistance class"? You are a brave iconoclast speaking truth to power! pErSiSt!¡!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 8 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Erdogan sucks. It’s a mess. We can’t kick Turkey out of NATO. It’s probably a bad thing that the coup attempt didn’t succeed. The value of a secular, mainstream, moderate Muslim majority country in our Western alliance can’t be overstated. But then the religious nuts are busy taking over our own country so we have bigger fish to fry here at home.


    He has an election coming up in a year, so hopefully the west won't have to deal with him much longer.


    On 6/24/2022 at 10:18 AM, The Dog said:

    that's gotta be sabotage


    On 6/24/2022 at 11:06 AM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    or shitty engineering/programming. looks like someone/something brought it back to base. wonder how many soldiers were killed. that was a large blast


    Or some drunk slav installing the gyroscope upside down.


    On 6/27/2022 at 12:33 PM, Nope said:



    Only a moron would think there aren't intelligence guys on the ground, it's literally their job. They're aren't any actual military formations in Ukraine. There's a difference.

  14. 22 hours ago, shadow_operative said:



    God I miss that show. Can't believe Brie Larson was chosen over Alison Brie for marvel. She's great, and was better comparatively, when they both played together on Community.


    6 hours ago, BHMCruiser said:

    You left out Sex and the City


    Did he? Did... He?


  15. On 6/27/2022 at 10:28 AM, henrygandorf said:

    watch mad men. this is a layup. those other shows are not in the same conversation. it’s my favorite drama of all time. 


    Breaking Bad


    6 hours ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Alison Brie is, was, and will always be the hottest smoke show on Mad Men.  sweet sweet Trudy.

    "Shut the Door.  Have a Seat." is one of my 5 favorite episodes in the history of television.  season 3 finale.  just brilliant.


    Watch Community, totally different show, but it does show what a great actress she is.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. On 3/15/2022 at 5:03 AM, shadow_operative said:

    Walk to your cars in pairs tonight; rape's up 8%.


    Cackowski was great! All the secondary/background characters were so good. The School board bros, Cackowski, Subway, Leonard, Duncun, etc.


    On 2/7/2022 at 3:42 PM, shadow_operative said:

    the clip:

     don't know why, but it just cracks me up every time for such a small thing, so small that donald glover isn't even saying a line. 


  17. 24 minutes ago, YChang said:

    You know do realize that Apple, Netflix, Amazon etc doesn’t tell the creators what to do right? As far as creative/story telling aspects… I don’t think the level of micromanaging that some of y’all think exits is there. 


    You think "notes" and casting meddling don't exist? That the money doesn't have a say? You can already tell the difference between an Apple and a Netflix show just by the production quality/aesthetic.

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