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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. On 12/10/2020 at 3:12 PM, David Dennison said:

    She is a perfect example of the utterly limp weakness that is the Democratic Party.


    On 12/10/2020 at 4:49 PM, Lobo said:

    There are plenty of 80 year olds that are cognitively with it.  In fact we're about to have one as President in about 3 years

    Two years. For the sake of the nation I hope he can keep it somewhat together, but actuarial tables say probably not. At least he has an experienced, competent, loyal, and sharp vice president, right? Hahahahahahahahahahah.... sigh.

    On 12/10/2020 at 6:11 PM, Bama Chick said:

    And please don’t lump RBG in this bucket. Physical deterioration is bad but RBG died with her remarkable mind intact. It starts bordering on ableist when we start disqualifying people because of chronic illnesses or physical infirmities.

    I am not in favor of term limits but I am in favor of a maximum age. I also think everyone in the House, Senate, and Executive should be required to undergo a cognitive evaluation every year and the entire results should be made available to the public. Voters should know if the candidates the are asked to vote for are compromised mentally. Yes, it’s a removal of a piece of the privacy but you forfeit that when you want to run for national office. I won’t go so far as to say that their physical exams should be made public.

    It’s just an incredibly sad thing and I don’t blame Senator Feinstein. I blame the people around her that are enabling her and covering for her.

    RGB was selfish and had been physically declining for twenty years. She should have left before 2016 when she was assured of her preferred replacement, but selfishly and arrogantly stiffed Obama and screwed all her ideological supporters.

    You should be for term limits and the abolition of tenure. No one should get a job for life.

    Feinstein deserves every bit of blame going her way. Her incompetence and infirmity have already cost her party in hearings and court confirmations, but like the rest of her geriatric compatriots, she will be allowed to continue because of ideology and politics.

  2. On 12/4/2020 at 5:42 AM, Lobo said:

    the building is shittastic but that's not Nate's fault.  It's looked like that for decades.  But yeah, it kind of encapsulates his business model.  Buy or ground lease, hold, don't improve, don't lease, pretend it's cash flowing positive, don't return calls from Treasury Agents.  Rinse and repeat.  With the Marriott across the street finally delivered, I think that tract will fetch an attractive price provided it comes out the WCPC bankruptcy debacle with clean title and no dead bodies undernearth it. 

    If you ever have the chance to sneak into that building (it's been 15 years since I did it last), there's a big space on the western side of the building that looks a helluva lot like the warehouse in "Reservoir Dogs."  /csb.

    That place has had some great parties over the years. Good raves and sxsw shows.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 minute ago, washparkhorn said:

    Words have meaning in post 9/11 America and the surveillance state. Thank a neocon for that too. 

    Wow. What the fuck are you talking about?


    Just now, Anastasis said:


    I am trying to work with your projection MSS. 

    By making my point for me?


    I'd say it's been fun, it really been more sad. Y'all have good dreams sleeping in your fantasy land.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    But it is right here in the kindergarten workbook.  I am trying to help you out. 

    Meaningless babble. I ask you a simple question that you could have answered in two sentences and you reply with multiple posts of this bullshit.

  5. Just now, RomaVicta said:

    You felt compelled to bring up Obama like that was a salient point. It wasn't in this context. I think the shoe fits. Wear it with pride.

    I didn't bring him up for the hell of it, I brought it up because it was germane to the topic. You automatically thinking it was because of partisan politics says more about how you approach these subjects than it does about me being allegedly partisan.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I don't have a problem using my words. You seem to have a problem comprehending them.

    Let's work on page 5 shall we. 


    "Each of us"

    "how do they"

    "then she will"

    If you have problems with any of them, just go slow and try to sound them out. Keep trying. 

    There is no pg 5. You are just babbling meaninglessly now.

  7. Just now, washparkhorn said:

    So they can close out your file, you have no concerns of any imminent threat of state sponsored terrorism attack against the homeland - Correct or incorrect? 


    Who is they?

    Incorrect, I do have concerns. I just stated I did. What's your point?

  8. 8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    It feels like the answer to your riddle is right in front of you. 


    5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Our "aLliEs", duh. 


    The only riddle here is your meaningless replies. Use your words.

  9. Just now, washparkhorn said:

    Priority No. 1  always.  

    What is the threat concern you have regarding state sponsored terrorism against the homeland?  Generally? Specifically? We are zipped up pretty tight. 

    We have been pretty lucky. My concern is that they keep trying to strike. Over and over they have been caught trying to orchestrate bombings, shootings, and killings on our soil. They are not shy about it and have publicly stated that that is their aim. They have sleeper cells here and have been caught multiple times trying to perform acts of terrorism. That's just in the homeland. Overseas they actually have bombed, kidnapped, and murdered American civilians, military, and government over and over. They are a real threat, the actual "A Team" of terrorism, and eventually they will succeed. They only respond to strength.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    How do the historical actions of our country influence the current state of affairs wrt Iran?

    This is like trying to have a conversation about geopolitics with my kindergartner that is trying to learn sight words. 


    Don't avoid it, you stated it. How we are to blame for Iran's malign actions. They've been doing this for 67 years.

  11. 5 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    The United States has unrivaled hard and soft power to destroy any nation or nations on this Earth. 

    We speak from positions of great privilege and largely immune to the perils of war.

    Humility is the appropriate emotion when one possesses overwhelming power, as our nation does. Any other emotion gets in the way. 

    Not as much as in the recent past, but I generally agree. To me however, that doesn't mean turning the other cheek and ignoring state sponsored terrorism against us, our allies, or our interests. No matter how much we pull back and/or try to be the "good guys", our enemies will not stop until made to.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Falls back on an Iranian boogeyman of our own creation.  Calls others lazy. Unsurprisingly, child like. 

    Explain how the Iranians, and their actions, are "of our own creation". Specifically. If you try to croak out some excuse about "mOsAdDeGh" you only show that you don't know anything. Does his overthrow 67 years ago excuse murder, bombings, and kidnappings against civilians? It does not.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Come on Sheeple. Open your eyes.*



    *Just keep them conveniently closed when there is plain common sense standing right in front of you. 


    Lazy, but I'm not surprised.

  14. 8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Your unfounded self-confidence makes you argument-proof. You assume certitude out of vanity. This makes you a special kind of snowflake dressed in wolf's clothing.

    You've made up your mind. About 60 million other Americans have, too.  Enjoy the crowded room where you embrace the false god of your superiority. When you're brave enough to leave the pews, maybe we'll talk.

    I am always open to logical, realistic, and cogent argument, I just not seeing any here. Instead I'm seeing people beat off to war porn, crying about it, and blaming their country for it like we started it and are wholly to blame.

    You thinking I'm one of the "60 million" makes my point for me. I'm not. You don't agree and automatically make it partisan. Well, at least you're in the right place for that mentality.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    You’ve mentioned gas, petroleum, and now energy as reasons America should be involved. Yet nothing about human suffering and the loss of life.

    You’re telling on yourself.

    Those aren't the reasons I think we should be involved, those are the reasons (as well as the cold war) that we were there to start with, but not much longer. Human suffering and loss of life are facts of human existence for all of history. Do you naively think that if we quit all involvement tomorrow, that that would stop? That the Iranians would halt their terror out of gratitude? What did they do when they got what they wanted with the (failed) nuclear deal? Oh that's right, they spread even more terrorism, kidnapping, and death. Open your eyes.

    Telling what? That I see the world and humanity for what it is? That I'm not swayed by war porn and crying about the injustice of it all?

  16. 7 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Negged twice for presuming to have a more realistic world view than those whom you address. Also for poorly veiling a partisan agenda. 

    I don't need to presume, this entire thread and forum, prove it over and over. And just because you can't see it, or agree with it, does not automatically mean it's partisan. You people are defending the worst producer of state sponsored terrorism in the past half century.

    7 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Maybe Obama failed. A lot of people have sucked up to Saudi. Fuck the Saudis. They flew the planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers. They bought our current administration and bragged about it.

    He did fail, his foreign policy made Jimmy Carter look like Genghis Khan. And fuck the Saudis. The fact you think I'm stanning for them only makes my point that you can't see the forest from the trees.

    8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Again, fuck them. And fuck your self-congratulatory tone as you explain the world to all of us softies.

    If you think we should let the Iranians tear up the Middle East and threaten the free worlds energy supply, then you are soft. I'm just happy we won't be there in person much longer.

  17. 13 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    And you should put allies in quotes. "Allies". 


    You know they just aren't threatening the Saudis, right? The Iraqis, Israelis, Jordanians, Lebanese just for starters. They have set off bombs and killed innocents in India, Bulgaria, Argentina, Thailand, and on and on. They've killed Americans in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria (just for starters). Wake up. There is no place in this world for those who turn the other cheek to evil like them.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Hey, let's sell these guys cluster munitions.


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    You're right, we should let these guys threaten our allies and the the rest of the worlds petroleum supply. Children are swayed by images instead of logic.

  19. 7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Overthrowing democratic outcomes is not in America's interests.

    What democratic outcomes are being overthrown in Yemen? There has never been a democracy there. Do you know anything other than "wAr bAd"!

    7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Propping up barbarism is not in America's interests.

    What about when both sides are barbaric? You act like the Houthis are blameless in that shitshow.

    8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Dumping arms into a fire keg is not in our interests.

    And the arms the Chinese, Iranians, and Russians are dumping in Yemen? Should we let them threaten the free world's gas station because it offends people's sensibilities?

    8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Pointing the finger at Iran and China and Russia and blabbering about making the world burn while having absolutely zero self awareness is not in our interest.


    Explain specifically how that is true.

    8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    But tell us more about the worldview of children

    I don't need to when you keep spamming war porn because it makes you feel righteous.



    Again, y'all won't have to be in your feels for much longer as there will be an American pullback from most everywhere but the Pacific. But we shouldn't be involved there either, right?

  20. 8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    There are countless examples of our interventions creating blowback. I know that there are some status quo bozos that like to cuddle up under the delusion that our interventionist approaches in places like Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan and Korea and Vietnam and Central/South America has created the greatest period of peace and prosperity and democracy the world has ever seen.  What I see is jingoism creating far more long lasting problems than it solves. But yes, let's talk more about Iran. 


    You have a child's mentality. Interventions create Blowback? You don't say. So America is not supposed to look out for it's interests because it makes bleeding hearts cry? We should look the other way when Iran, China, and Russia make the world burn because it offends it's less aware and childish citizens? How is that realistic? It's not.

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