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Message Board User

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Everything posted by Message Board User

  1. The vibes there are not immaculate. I think they fall off a cliff this season.
  2. East 1) Milwaukee 2) Cleveland 3) Boston 4) Philly 5) Brooklyn 6) Toronto 7) Miami 8 ) Atlanta ECF - Cavs over Milwaukee in 6 West 1) Memphis 2) Clippers 3) Golden State 4) Denver 5) Dallas 6) Minnesota 7) New Orleans 8 ) Lakers WCF - Clippers over Memphis in 7 Finals - Cavs or Clippers in 6
  3. Free money. If the Cavs don't make the Finals it was obviously rigged.
  4. Loving this Stefanski offense. Brissett has been elite to start the season... Baker meanwhile?
  5. What a horrible decision. Just atrocious.
  6. It's fashionable to poke fun at the Knicks but they dodged an enormous bullet here - even with Mitchell, it's quite debatable that NYK is a playoff team and all those picks they would have had to give up would have been lotto. At least with Cleveland, it's extremely likely those picks will be in the 20s (unless strange shit happens).
  7. Jonathan Tjarks did a lot of NBA stuff for the Ringer and...well...fuck. Home on hospice Journal entry by Melissa Tjarks — 13 hours ago Saturday Jon woke up with reduced feeling in his legs, and Sunday he woke up and couldn’t feel them at all. Monday evening his speech started slurring and we were very concerned. We went to the hospital from PT/OT rehab to get him checked out. They did a CT and ordered a stat MRI. At 3 am Jon had the MRI of his brain and whole spine. It showed that a tumor that was teeny tiny two weeks ago is now compressing his spinal cord again at T8. Jon is permanently paralyzed from the belly down. Another tumor is pressing on his hypoglossal nerve, which controls tongue movement, so half of his tongue is paralyzed. It’s really hard for him to swallow, and his speech is significantly slurred. Eating and talking take a ton of energy now. The tumors in his liver, skull, and elsewhere have grown significantly. One of our doctors said that he had only seen cancer grow this quickly once before. He’s been in practice for decades. What are the odds. The neurosurgeon said Jon is not a candidate for surgery again—two surgeries in two weeks for a healthy person would be difficult enough. DNA sequencing came back, and he has MEK, MET, and P53 mutations. There are not any known drugs to effectively target these mutations. They’re doing some extra tests on his tumor using the FISH technique to rule out any other possibilities, but it’s unlikely we have a targeted biologic drug. Chemo is out too because he’s gone through every known effective combination for sarcomas without going into remission. And he’s no longer a candidate for clinical trials because he’s deteriorated so much physically in the last month. So, our team told us it was time to go on hospice. Y’all… there are no words....
  8. Don't have a spotify account so can't listen to his whole podcast but apparently Simmons was gushing about the Cavs even more than South Austin's mom soon after closing time.
  9. Obviously I don't like the number of FRPs given up (but these days that's the going price for a young 25 year old multiple All Star who once scored 57 points in a playoff game. It's extremely unlikely any of those FRPs were going to yield a talent like Mitchell). Mitchell is a bit undersized at the 2 but his wingspan makes him play and seem like he's 6'4" - he certainly doesn't play small. Biggest issue going forward is obviously the black hole on the wing; too bad Lebron signed his extension - imagine him walking into this situation in FA next year. But I could see the Cavs going all-in trying to sign Andrew Wiggins would be a very good fit with this team. Overall though it's impossible not to be excited for the team. Garland needed help on offense Mitchell delivers that and then some. If Mobley (whose offensive development is the most important variable for the team's future) can turn into Bosh/KG on offense then the Cavs should be top 4 in the East for the next 5-10 years. Man, the East is just stupid good: Boston, Milwaukee, Miami, Philly, Brooklyn, Toronto, Cleveland, Chicago, Atlanta - THREE of these teams will be relegated to the play-in and 1 won't even make the playoffs For whatever it's worth, several of the respected talking heads love this trade for Cleveland:
  10. I think the temptation to sign Lebron to 1 + 1 deal in 2023 (with Love' contract coming off the books) would have been too great to resist and with 2 all-stars & a mobley entering his 3rd year it's a team tailor made for Lebron as he wouldn't have had to do all the heavy lifting. As the Cavs are currently constructed, I think they have a somewhat limited ceiling until they get a good, 2-way wing (Lauri ain't gonna cut it in the playoffs) and Lebron would have fit right in (even at his advanced age with Garland/Allen/Mobley to lean on). Even with all of the drama that Lebron brings, a short-term deal next summer to go for broke in 23-24 and/or 24-25 - I would have done it. Those kinds of good 2 way wings are exceedingly and I don't know where the Cavs are going to get one, so Lebron would have been the best option (Jaylen Brown ain't walking through that door). But my guess is that Lebron and his family are perfectly happy in LA building his "brand" and playing out the string even if it means struggling to get to the play-in tourney. And meanwhile, it's August 19 and Collin Sexton is still a (restricted) free agent.
  11. It may not make them good but at least they’ll be relevant. As for Lebron, he’s content with playing out the string in LA and he’s done winning titles. If he was so inclined, he could have walked into a great situation in Cleveland next summer…
  12. I guess we have to assume Hanks wife is wearing purple.
  13. Tsai is worth over $8 bilion - KD can bully a lot of people but Tsai ain't one of them.
  14. Boom - this last bullet point. Speaks to the issue of the league over promising.
  15. Everybody spazzing over 24 women when the NFL only presented five of those cases to judge Robinson and none had ANY evidence of criminal wrongdoing. It’s crazy how many people think Watson is a rapist of multiple women, but that’s what happens these days with a media that over promises and under delivers. Insteadof branding Watson as a serial rapist, the media should have focused on the morality of his behavior, like they did with Tiger Woods. That angle would have at least been an honest critique rather than try to brand Watson as something he isn’t and for which there is no evidence.
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