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Posts posted by d2o

  1. 1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

    This feels weird saying, but I can promise you that Golden State was ecstatic to draw San Antonio. Absolute best possible matchup in round 1. The Spurs are disciplined and solid defensively...but they just can't score. I said it in a different thread, but this series will likely go how a potential Sixers/Celtics series would. Defense and discipline only go far; eventually you need finishers. The over/under for the game is 205. That's insanely low.

    Yeah, I have this series going 5 and that solely out of respect for Pop.   SA is done.

  2. Just now, Message Board User said:

    Almost every mock I see has Bagley drafted before Bamba and I cannot see why.  Maybe I'm missing something but unless there's an injury issue I'm not aware of, Bamba's floor and ceiling is higher than Bagley's.

    I dont agree.  I know it was summer league but Bagley was the talk of the drew league last yr KILLING pros.  bamba should be a great lane defender day one but those types of players are going the way of the dinosaur.    he will have to improve his offense a great deal to be a better prospect IMO

  3. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    If OKC bows out unceremoniously in the first or 2nd round, are all of these talking heads that have been beating us over the head with "I'll tell you one thing, absolutely no one wants to face the Thunder right now!" going to change their tune to "It was just a bad match-up; [insert top seed] is so lucky that they didn't have to play them." 

    well.......the Utah matchup is as about as bad as there was for them so.......... hahhahaha

  4. On 4/12/2018 at 8:11 AM, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Looks like they got rid of the old Saturday 12 o'clock game. Toronto must've lost too many times in that time slot

    I just saw that and was pissed.    I was looking forward to waking up to games and not having to stay up to 1 am to finish the last gm.

  5. On 4/12/2018 at 12:52 AM, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    always hated how people whine about how long the playoffs last. you realize after the finals in mid june...we have baseball and usa-less world cup to get us to fall camp?

    this right here!   after the Finals there is isnt anything to watch for 3 months.  I'm loading up on movies and TV show downloads to watch after the Finals now like a bear prepping for hibernation.

  6. On 4/12/2018 at 12:40 AM, BigOrange1 said:

    never understood why people complain about 2 weeks/round.  if a series goes 7 games, that is an average of a game every other day.  if it doesn't go 7, the series doesn't last 2 weeks.

    Agree with your basic premise but the 3 day gap that they have in some of the 1stround series to make sure all games are on TV separately stretches even longer than 2 wks if they go 7.

  7. 36 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Is this who we want to win, or who we think we win?  If it's the latter, then Brett Brown has almost no shot.  He might finish 5th behind D'Antoni and Casey too.  Voters have proven that they reward the plucky underdog who was supposed to suck but way overachieved or the best season.  Right or wrong, I think most people, if told that Embiid was going to play a full season, would expect Philly to easily make the Eastern playoffs

    That's kinda the thing.  52 wins is way fucking over-achieving for the sixers.  Healthy Embiid or not.

  8. 7 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    So you’re telling me that Philly gets 52 wins, and nobody here thinks that Brett Brown should even be the runner up for COTY? Utah wins 48 games, same as the Pelicans and Thunder, and Quin Snyder is COTY, but Philly wins 52 even without Fultz and with a Joel Embiid who only played 63 games and was on a minutes limit to start the year. Philly just won 16 in a row (16 in a row!) without Embiid and y’all STILL show no love for Brett Brown. Y’all are tripping. 

    Shit he should've got consideration the last couple yrs.   That team was shitty and played hard every night even when it was clear that the entire org wanted them to lose as much as possible.   He absolutely should be in the conversation this season.   People thought they would be improved.   NO ONE had them winning 50+ gms.

  9. 49 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    Isaiah seems like the kind of guy who will get a max offer from Orlando, take it, and then tell the media halfway thru the first season that the team sucks and management should want him to be happy so they should trade him to the warriors.  I think he wants a billion dollar contract with no regard for the contract limits and he wants to play on the best team with no regard for the cap. Once Orlando informs him that it is logistically impossible to send him to the warriors he will throw a fit Like the baby he is.... or, in Isaiah’s dreamworld, let’s say he is traded for he warriors for klay and some pieces. He would bitch to hell that he isn’t getting 20 shots a game and how he should be the 1st option, not the 3rd or 4th. 

    He will never be satisfied because he thinks he’s the best player in the league and teams should see that whether he has actually produced or not. He is like a drugged out, disease riddled, midget of a poor mans Carmelo Anthony in that regard. Brings almost nothing to a team but a decent ability to score if conditions (his body) are perfect but otherwise is just a ball dominant defensive liability with a me first bad attitude. 

    No player has done more on the court to tank their reputation in the league than Isaiah. At least Stephen Jackson and Latrell sprewell can say they were defending themselves from fans assaulting them. Isaiah is just a whiny bitch. The dude should save himself the embarrassment he is going to experience in free agency and just retire. 

    He isn't getting anywhere near a max deal from anyone.  PS:  All that hate is gonna eat you up son.

  10. 1 minute ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Those comments were made a year ago when he thought he would be healthy. He's not getting anywhere near max money. 80% of the league is over the cap. The bump from 2016 has been absorbed and now the idiot GMs are back in the same place they were before the new TV contract -- capped out on marginal players. Nobody is going to overpay for an undersized ball dominant point guard who can't play defense and can't even stay healthy. 

    A thousand times this.   Set up rules to save themselves from themselves.   Figure out a way to get around the rules.   Rinse, repeat.


  11. 3 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    I think people are sleeping on Porter. Unless he fell off during his year off he was already gifted with an NBA body and the ability to score. I don’t hold his couple of games with Missouri against him. I think he can really ball.

    Going into the season he was no lower than the 2nd pick by most projections.    I'd be thrilled if he fell to the Magic.

  12. 2 hours ago, Jhawk said:

    This should be TNT tonight.  Biggest game of the year for about 5 teams.

    1 hour ago, Jhawk said:

    TV contracts always amaze me.  You'd think major sports leagues would build in the ability to swap in a marquee game that wasn't on the radar a month ago.  Reminds me of when CBS was the only station to play NCAA tourney games. 

    Its not about the gms as much as it is about the day.   TNT has Tuesday/Thursday gms.   ESPN has Wednesday/Friday gms.  Simple as that.



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