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Posts posted by d2o

  1. Echoing what plenty have already said but it is pretty amazing that we had a mass migration like that and the new site is basically the same as the old.    Sucks a little that we won't be able to go dig up old posts when they become topical but the new format has some distinct advantages that I have noticed already.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    This.  It wasn't Winter Soldier, but it was damn good.


    Winter Soldier was GREAT right up until the moment Cap found out WS was Bucky.   Cap becoming emo almost killed the movie.   Fortunately, they built up enough of a story outside that relationship to carry the movie the rest of the way.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Llogg said:

    Both GOTG films are both far better than BP from an entertainment standpoint.  I wish Marvel had treated the BP movie the way they did the Daredevil and Jessica Jones series on Netflix.  Character first, FX well down the list.

    The first GotG yes.   The 2nd one not so much.   

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