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Posts posted by d2o

  1. 34 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Aja is the best player in the league. Her finishing 3rd in MVP was a joke, granted their team is stacked.

    Stew is really good and she was deserving for MVP but you're right that it's very Hakeem/DRob / Jordan/Barkley etc.

    Crazy that they lost Candace and are still whipping everyone's ass.

    That is definitely the vibe I get.   She (and they as a team) wants to show she is the better of the two.   They dont matchup 1v1 quite as much as Hakeem/Robinson did but the idea is still there.

    And yeah that really sucks about Candace.   I was really looking forward to her being an active part of getting that 3rd ring for a 3rd team.

  2. Aces came out smoking last night.    They got a little too hyped close to the end of the first half and the Liberty closed the gap.   They regrouped at halftime and blasted the Liberty.   Stewie getting shut down is really surprising. In the MVP matchup Aja is really showing her up.   Crazy she was 3rd in voting anyway after having a better season than last yr and her team setting the reg season win record.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. On 10/1/2023 at 7:49 PM, ztejas said:

    She's good but their team is pretty stacked. 

    I wouldn't be against giving her a shot with the Spurs. I worry about NBA players listening to a female HC.

    She's been gone a couple yrs but she has plenty of respect in the Spurs org.  If she was given the job I dont think most players would have a problem listening to her.  Especially if Pop gives her his blessing which I'm positive he would do.   He's been an incredible advocate for her and women in coaching in general.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 3 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    Portland doing some good work. They should be able to get more draft capital for Brodgon. They are going to be an interesting team.

    yeah. they could flip both Brogdon and Timelord honestly and get more picks.   I could see contending teams looking to add either of them.  POR has done good work.

    This was a very unfortunate byproduct of getting Dame for MIL though.   Having Jrue come right back to BOS is less than ideal.   BOS manages to make up for losing Smart.   They were done with Brogdon anyway but losing Timelord is gonna hurt a little bit.

  5. Really good article with some background the relationship between Dame and the POR GM Cronin.



    In the Sept. 5 meeting, Cronin conveyed that if he was forced to do a deal with Miami, he had every intention of going after every attractable asset. Lillard knew then he was unlikely to end up in Miami.

    Lillard then said if a deal couldn't be worked out with the Heat, he would prefer to rescind his trade request and return to the Trail Blazers.

    Cronin's response to the seven-time All-Star was that there was no coming back.

    Lillard was shocked, sources said. He said it was discouraging to hear he couldn't return, but added that he didn't want to be somewhere he wasn't wanted, and he ended the meeting.

    Lillard was still hopeful a deal with the Heat was within reach. However, he had to face the realization that he might not be moved.

  6. Man damn this is such a great era.   There are legit 6-8 teams that you could see winning it.    The arms races every off-season now are incredible drama now we get to see these super teams try and make it through the marathon

  7. 50 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    Well yes they’ll get bullied by bigger teams. Jokic will abuse them, but he does that to everyone. Phoenix has to stay healthy and have Durant lead them. As much as I do not enjoy watching Chris Paul play, he was the leader they needed because no one else on that roster was capable of doing it. I am not entirely certain Durant wants that responsibility. Booker absolutely wants no part of leading. 

    This here.   A greatly under-reported angle in the Suns roster build

  8. 8 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Should Bud have been fired? I’ll give you he was bad in the bubble even given all its weirdness, but they won the title the next year. Middleton got hurt the following year. And then Giannis got hurt last year. I don’t see how any of that is on him.  Beyond that he’s had the best record in the conference multiple times and that team went from wtf to 60 wins and immediately contending as soon as he took over. 

    Regarding swaps, I think the jury is still out on their value. We don’t have a large enough sample size and the theoretically most valuable ones are way down the line. Boston did manage to get Jason Tatum with one. 

    He was on the hot seat the yr they won and likely would have been fired if they hadnt.   Winning a title is very hard.   The fact they didnt win another title is not his fault with the injuries.   The fact that they flamed out spectacularly earlier than they should have was definitely his fault.   His lack of an actual system or plays were terrible.   His inability to make adjustments over the course of a series was displayed over and over.   He is a very good reg season coach.    That was apparent even in ATL.   He just plain stinks in the playoffs.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Boy, Milwaukee really panicked after the first round loss to Miami. In reality, the series seems like more of a fluke. Giannis got hurt 10 minutes into game 1, didn't play in games 2 and 3, and then game 5 was a trip to the twilight zone where he shot 10/23 from the line and the whole team lost its composure. And it doesn't look as bad in hindsight considering how good Miami really was.

    But they apparently thought they needed a major overhaul. They had the best record in the league last season and are two years removed from a championship. Instead, they shitcanned Bud and are unloading Holiday who seemed to be the heart and soul of that squad. Granted, Lillard is Lillard, but... he's not without his warts.

    I don't understand why teams don't take a longer view of things. They owe the Pelicans first round picks and swaps from the Holiday trade in 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027. Now they owe the Blazers swaps and picks for 2028, 2029 and 2030 (I think). Yikes.

    Meh, to be fair Bud should have been fired years ago.  Winning the title just made them have to keep him.   Trading one guy isnt some major overhaul.   I LOVE Jrue but he was supposed to be a stopper.   Jimmy Butler took his soul and then he couldnt score at all.   Dame aint gonna defend like Jrue but he aint gonna ever not be able to score.

    Pick swaps are MASSIVELY overrated.   They dont mean shit when barring a MASSIVE disaster the Bucks wont be near the lottery anytime soon.   And if worse comes to worse they can always trade Giannis and recoup quite a few picks.  I know the swaps are a relatively new thing but when has one panned out to allow a team that is very good take some bottom feeder team's pick?

  10. 53 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:


    Milwaukee starting 5 avg is is gonna be like 33

    Gianni’s will be the youngest starter by 5 years if they start Jae at the 3.

    The Jae Crowder who couldnt even get on the floor in the playoffs??   You think they are going into a season starting him??  LOL

  11. 11 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    I can't tell if this is a good trade for everyone, or a bad trade for everyone.

    Respect to the Bucks for going all in though. They gave up one FRP, two swaps, that tool Grayson Allen, and an aging Jrue for an aging Lillard. They had already unloaded picks to get Jrue, now they have really mortgaged the future. But they prove to Giannis that they are committed to winning, which presumably keeps him in the fold so that's pretty much worth it. Until it isn't, at least.

    Phoenix unloads the overpaid and under performing disinterested Ayton for depth. Nurkic is a net negative on a bad contract. Not a great return for Phoenix on a guy who was drafted ahead of Luka. The Suns are going to be horrible defensively.

    And that's the best you could do, Portland? Whatever the Heat were offering must have been dog shit. Is this the rebuild you were looking for? I don't see why they didn't wait a bit longer. I assume Holiday gets traded again, right? He certainly isn't a part of that rebuild although they could definitely use the veteran presence. Ayton makes a little bit of sense, I suppose, if you are taking a flyer and buying low. He gets a fresh start and once Portland gets rid of Holiday, that contract is a lot more palatable.

    yeah they definitely are not keeping Jrue.   I saw one report saying the deal hadnt been finalized as they were trying to get another team in to take Jrue.    We will see.

  12. 7 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    This deal is awful for Milwaukee.

    I think Portland easily got the best of it. While Phoenix got the depth it needed, for a guy that wasn't in their playoff rotation much.

    How? They barely gave up anything.   Jrue, Grayson Allen and a 1st is not much to upgrade a position.   And I love Jrue but what Jimmy did to him in that series signed his death cert.   He was the defensive stopper.   If he cant stop AND he's struggling to score, he becomes useless.   

    2 minutes ago, SilasCoade said:

    which guy are you talking about?


  13. 7 minutes ago, SilasCoade said:

    Weird. Not sure Nurk is any sort of upgrade over Ayton, but I guess the Suns are bolstering depth here.


    Feels like POR not getting enough for a top 5 guy in franchise history.

    I know many are down on Ayton but I think he can still be something.   They get him on a decent deal to pair with their young guards and then will try and flip Jrue again to get more.

  14. On 9/16/2023 at 12:49 AM, UpperWestside said:

    Saw that Vanderbilt was given a four year extension by the Purple and Gold. 12 million a season sounds about right for him.

    Pelinka seems to have figured out how team building works.   He's done a pretty great job the last 10 mos or so

  15. To each his own.   I LOVE the NBA and I LOVE the W.   Not sure why some feel the need to down the women's game.   Its different but I thoroughly enjoy the games.   The talent level is visibly better from yr to yr with more younger players coming up who have been playing at higher levels earlier.   There are some real ballers in the W and I like that the NBA players represent and show up for them.   

    Agree with what was said earlier.   The league is still in its early state at 30 yrs old.   The NBA was not anywhere near where it is now at that age and there was even talk of the league going under at that time so expecting the W to be a money making machine right now are not reasonable.    Sports teams are investments just like houses.   They cost you money every yr but over the long term the value increases.

    If you dont enjoy the game, cool.   Why bash it?   It doesnt effect you in any way if you dont watch it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 6 hours ago, Blotto said:

    At first I was wondering wtf Telfair was doing in that group, but then I looked up his stats and realized it was when he was still in HS and I'm sure bigly hyped on the NYC scene. 

    He was hyped almost as much as LBJ at the time.     

    Sebastian Telfair Metal Print featuring the photograph Sebastian Telfair & LeBron James: The Takeover SLAM Cover by Clay Patrick McBride

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