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Posts posted by d2o

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    I can't tell if this is a good trade for everyone, or a bad trade for everyone.

    Respect to the Bucks for going all in though. They gave up one FRP, two swaps, that tool Grayson Allen, and an aging Jrue for an aging Lillard. They had already unloaded picks to get Jrue, now they have really mortgaged the future. But they prove to Giannis that they are committed to winning, which presumably keeps him in the fold so that's pretty much worth it. Until it isn't, at least.

    Phoenix unloads the overpaid and under performing disinterested Ayton for depth. Nurkic is a net negative on a bad contract. Not a great return for Phoenix on a guy who was drafted ahead of Luka. The Suns are going to be horrible defensively.

    And that's the best you could do, Portland? Whatever the Heat were offering must have been dog shit. Is this the rebuild you were looking for? I don't see why they didn't wait a bit longer. I assume Holiday gets traded again, right? He certainly isn't a part of that rebuild although they could definitely use the veteran presence. Ayton makes a little bit of sense, I suppose, if you are taking a flyer and buying low. He gets a fresh start and once Portland gets rid of Holiday, that contract is a lot more palatable.

    yeah they definitely are not keeping Jrue.   I saw one report saying the deal hadnt been finalized as they were trying to get another team in to take Jrue.    We will see.

  2. 7 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    This deal is awful for Milwaukee.

    I think Portland easily got the best of it. While Phoenix got the depth it needed, for a guy that wasn't in their playoff rotation much.

    How? They barely gave up anything.   Jrue, Grayson Allen and a 1st is not much to upgrade a position.   And I love Jrue but what Jimmy did to him in that series signed his death cert.   He was the defensive stopper.   If he cant stop AND he's struggling to score, he becomes useless.   

    2 minutes ago, SilasCoade said:

    which guy are you talking about?


  3. 7 minutes ago, SilasCoade said:

    Weird. Not sure Nurk is any sort of upgrade over Ayton, but I guess the Suns are bolstering depth here.


    Feels like POR not getting enough for a top 5 guy in franchise history.

    I know many are down on Ayton but I think he can still be something.   They get him on a decent deal to pair with their young guards and then will try and flip Jrue again to get more.

  4. On 9/16/2023 at 12:49 AM, UpperWestside said:

    Saw that Vanderbilt was given a four year extension by the Purple and Gold. 12 million a season sounds about right for him.

    Pelinka seems to have figured out how team building works.   He's done a pretty great job the last 10 mos or so

  5. To each his own.   I LOVE the NBA and I LOVE the W.   Not sure why some feel the need to down the women's game.   Its different but I thoroughly enjoy the games.   The talent level is visibly better from yr to yr with more younger players coming up who have been playing at higher levels earlier.   There are some real ballers in the W and I like that the NBA players represent and show up for them.   

    Agree with what was said earlier.   The league is still in its early state at 30 yrs old.   The NBA was not anywhere near where it is now at that age and there was even talk of the league going under at that time so expecting the W to be a money making machine right now are not reasonable.    Sports teams are investments just like houses.   They cost you money every yr but over the long term the value increases.

    If you dont enjoy the game, cool.   Why bash it?   It doesnt effect you in any way if you dont watch it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Blotto said:

    At first I was wondering wtf Telfair was doing in that group, but then I looked up his stats and realized it was when he was still in HS and I'm sure bigly hyped on the NYC scene. 

    He was hyped almost as much as LBJ at the time.     

    Sebastian Telfair Metal Print featuring the photograph Sebastian Telfair & LeBron James: The Takeover SLAM Cover by Clay Patrick McBride

  7. 3 hours ago, Bartles said:

    The Process DID work, they just fucked up some of the picks, and had the misfortune of two overall No 1's who for whatever reason completely lost their will to play the sport. Even with all that, the Jimmy Butler team was right there with the Kawhi Raptors and were good enough to win the trophy. A couple other teams, including last year, were maybe Finals worthy but wouldn't have won it.

    Some fans here in Philly complained at the time, but they actually built a very loyal following both for "Process guys" like Covington and McConnell, along with the new draft picks (even Fultz and Ben). The fans feel more fucked over by the NBA for forcing Hinkie out and sticking us with Colangelo.

    By now, be it karma or whatever, the wheels are off and there is no competent leadership. The owners have been distracted by Fanatics, crypto/NFT/metaverse, the Redskins and now trying to build a new arena. Embiid remains a great player and hilarious troll. But he and the team are headed for some down years.

    I guess we have different definitions of "work" but I disagree.     Not even making the ECF is not a success.  They got one franchise player out of all those picks and even he either flames out or peters out every yr when they need him most.  What good is getting the picks if your scouting is shit and you waste them?   The Fultz pick was especially bad. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Bullshit Cough GIFs | Tenor

    I actually like the Sixers franchise. I've never actively rooted against them. I absolutely adored Dr. J and always pulled for them against the Celtics. Andrew Toney, Darryl Dawkins, Mo Cheeks, etc. Those teams were epic. Charles Barkley was absolutely one of my favorite players of all time -- he played with such a ferocity, I couldn't help be a fan. I loved watching Iverson play -- tough as nails and gave everything he had to the game. And I really like Embiid. He's a fantastic player and he seems like a good, funny dude. That's a great, historic franchise. One of the most storied in the league.

    But the Process was a horrible afront to basketball and to sports in general. I certainly get going through a rebuilding job and not being competitive for a year or two, but they deserve every last bit of karmic blow back that they get. Fuck them for trying to game the system and what they tried to do to the competitive landscape of the league. It was reprehensible what they did to their fans. I hope it serves as a cautionary tale for any other franchise that tries to pull that lame bullshit.

    Oh yeah the Sixers history has been incredible.  Doc, Moses, Barkley and on to Iverson lives completely separate for me.   


    Since Hinkie started "the Process" I've rooted for nothing but their complete failure.   I've always HATED tanking so the tanking on steroids bullshit was horrible for the NBA.    As bad as it was from a competition standpoint, the overall embrace as the best way to build a team by so many respected talking heads made it even worse.

    Further, I'm generally extremely "anti-hater" but over these last few yrs Embiid's unparalleled bitchassness has made me enjoy their failure more than any team I've ever known.  I hate them for making me a hater LOL

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    NBA news is slow right now and probably will be until training camp, but this Harden / Philly thing bears watching.


    Gee NBA, ya think? Really, Morey and Harden skirted the rules? Does anybody really believe a team-first winner like Harden was going to sacrifice a nickel because he actually wanted to win? It's going to turn into another Ben Simmons like shit show once camp starts, almost assuredly. The other piece to this is Embiid and the rumblings that he wants out if they can't compete for titles. Watching Jokic win the title against his former teammate Jimmy Butler while he sat on his couch with his MVP trophy had to hurt. I will laugh hysterically if the NBA docks them draft picks and Embiid begs out. They are going to have to re-process the process. 

    No franchise deserves this fate more than the Sixers.     Fuck the whole org


    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Dont minimize Harden doing this in China where Morey is hated for his comments a couple yrs ago.

    Morey has bent over time and time again for Harden.   As recently as May they let Harden go to Vegas in the middle of the playoffs.    He's like a spoiled child that's been given everything he has ever asked for then finally being told no.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 3 hours ago, Message Board User said:


    Pretty wild to publicly state this.   Even wilder considering how he and Morey have been over the yrs.   There is a reason you dont do "wink-wink" deals.   Shit can change and one side may back out.

    And I get athletes are always gonna think they are the shit and need to make max money but reality is with his age and history/reputation thinking that someone is going to give him full max is pretty wild.   Especially coming off another pretty spectacular flameout in the playoffs.

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, UpperWestside said:

    No I do not mean guaranteed. I am fully aware of what the definition of guaranteed is. The question is did the Lakers get an insurance policy on the contract in case of a catastrophic injury to Street Clothes. 

    I dont understand why someone would even worry about this.    Way too much of counting other people's money in sports today.

  13. On 7/31/2023 at 9:51 PM, SilasCoade said:

    I liked JVG. He distracted a little from the game but he never took himself seriously. If this means more Richard Jefferson I'm probably muting a lot more games.

    Same.   I thought JVG was pretty funny

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Wade would have withered away into the abyss if LeBron didn't decide to team up with him in Miami. Had Wade continued to be the main guy in Miami, they wouldn't have did shit and the views on him would have been much different.

    Wade was the one with a Finals MVP before LBJ got there.    That alone would trump Harden.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  15. 7 hours ago, HookEm said:

    Wade also made an All Defense team 3 times. He got a ton of blocks for a guard and actually ranks top 30 in career blocks.

    I’ll take prime Wade and career Wade all day every day. I’m not actually sure I would pick prime Kobe over prime Wade if I was on a playground. Wade was a better teammate and would be much more fun to play with.



  16. 8 minutes ago, d2o said:

    NFLPA is the worst of the players unions.   It also helps that the NFL is literally the only game in town.   If it somehow came to be a long work stoppage NBA players could go overseas and make huge money.

    EDIT:  I guess NFL players could go to Canada but I have no idea how the money compares there.

    EDIT2: Fuck that they dont make shit LOL

    The league does not make teams publicize their player salaries as the NFL does. However, it is estimated that players make between $60,000 and $100,000. The minimum salary an American or National player can make is $65,000. For Global players, that floor is set at $54,000.Nov 21, 2022

  17. 28 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Arguably the best RB in the NFL gets $11M/yr while Jalen Brown gets $69M in his final season.  NFL has the worst contracts by far.

    NFLPA is the worst of the players unions.   It also helps that the NFL is literally the only game in town.   If it somehow came to be a long work stoppage NBA players could go overseas and make huge money.

    EDIT:  I guess NFL players could go to Canada but I have no idea how the money compares there.

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