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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. I like that she's attacking Mitch along with Trump.
  2. Pelosi looks and speaks like a young sixty year old tonight.
  3. Crab cakes and football - It's what Democrats do!
  4. I've sent off a sternly worded letter recently, I guess that means I'm free to vote by mail here in Texas.
  5. Nearly every yard in Wimberley has Oleander -- it's deer-resistant. Sounds like they just might be sitting on a Covid curing goldmine.
  6. Looks like it grows across the southern USA. How long before we see an uptick in deaths due to oleander consumption?
  7. WTF! A sooner? Next you'll have us believing he's a doctor in Chicago and not China Town.
  8. Doctored photo deleted. Trump's fat, just not that fat.
  9. It seems to me in previous years when one party was holding their convention the other party didn't really do anything to draw attention away from it. I might be way off base. As it was stated above, this will most likely backfire for Trump.
  10. Well it can't be that hard to figure out, there can't be more than a handful of doctors in China Town.
  11. Thank goodness I still have my 20+ year old groomsman gift aka flask to get me through the day during 2020.
  12. Don't fight it and Congress begins to hand the power of the purse over to the President. Fight it and, Democrats hate America. I'm betting this was the republican play from the start.
  13. Don't you recall the famous proverb from it......"My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand it was then that I carried you via the soldier carry....hoorah!"
  14. The NRA is so 2000 & late. All the cool kids now support the GOA.
  15. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/biden-is-polling-better-than-clinton-at-her-peak/ An interesting read
  16. Surely some of the Surly Wreath fund can be sent to Rand Paul's neighbor.
  17. Come on boys, it's not rocket science. Team Trump has the best manuals.
  18. Here's the link to the story. https://www.axios.com/trump-is-registering-more-new-voters-than-democrats-in-key-states-c9fb2839-6c87-4ce1-8d79-f24189a41257.html
  19. So roughly 6.2 million people then. I'd say that number could sway the election in a few key swing states.
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