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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/19 in Posts

  1. "Ground Control to Mid-Major Tom"
    17 points
  2. Team Urban. All of college football is dirty and Urban isn't that bad (at least I think). You high horse fuckers content with 7-5/6-6 bullshit and hiring spares, retreads, and G5 flavors of the month can get fucked.
    15 points
  3. I got my fucking twitter account suspended for telling him I hope his heart explodes! Haha.
    14 points
  4. "ok, ok, Greg Davis might be our standard"
    12 points
  5. And hire who? Our way of finding and evaluating head coaching hires is clearly broken at this point. Strong's hire was a disaster, and Texas has regressed hard under Herman. Now compare that to the Big 12 schools ahead of us in the standings who've made recent hires. - Lincoln Riley was the OC at East Carolina when blOU found him. Now, he's led blOU to two straight Big 12 titles and has never missed the playoffs since becoming a head coach. And he's eight years younger than Herman. - Baylor, despite being in a state of absolute disaster, found Rhule at Temple. In just two years, he's turned around an 1-11 team, in shambles with a serious deficit of talent, and taken them to 9-1. - Matt Campbell was the head coach at fucking Toledo! ISU hired him for 2016, and he's already a two-time Big 12 Coach of the Year. Other schools carefully identify coordinators/coaches they know will fit in with the institutional culture, make good hires, and set themselves and their players up for success. We myopically throw money at a sexy G5 hire, smile and look the other way while he makes underwhelming coordinator hires, then watch as said hires fail, the head coach is forced to take on more of the burden, and the team becomes a sinking ship with failure after failure on the field against inferior but better-coached athletes. The reality is that Bellmont has royally screwed up the coaching hire process at UT.
    12 points
  6. On the other other hand, you boo trump loudly in your stadium, you get to win the World Series in a huge upset, even beating Verlander, Cole and Greinke pitching at home. Just the way it goes.
    11 points
  7. LSU beats Bama last week, Tua breaks a hip and JBE wins re-election. The Trump curse is just getting started fam.
    10 points
  8. This is such a fucking cop out. Texas will let him do what he wants but he has to win, which he can't. Texas hasn't seen a successful coach in what fifteen years? And even that coach had a chink in the armor where he constantly got humiliated by OU. How does one even know what the "machine" might or might not let a successful coach do. And what the fuck is this "machine" anyways? And lulz at calling it a machine at 210 million dollars in revenue. For those who run around touting Texas' money, Texas' total athletic revenues were around $210 million dollars last year. There are about a thousand small businesses, not public corporations but mom and pop, family run built in one generation businesses around the country that do more than that in revenue. So calm down on Texas being a corporation. Its a public school in the second largest state in the union that has revenues of a successful small business but the ego of an Apple Inc. For comparison sake, Apple's revenues were $259 billion dollars last year, compare that to Texas' athletic revenues and they are smaller than a rounding error at 0.0000772099th of what Apple did. So no, Texas isn't a corporation. Its a rinky dink mom and pop ice cream corner store with the soup nazi at the helm. Texas has constantly shit the bed when it comes to picking coaches to hire, partially due to blatant incapability of finding a good hire and partially due to "we're Texas" bullshit.
    9 points
  9. He’s a petulant narcissist. That personality doesn’t work well with others that he can’t control or who challenge his ideas. His arrogance prevents him from being objective and adapting when his self perceived brilliant game planning doesn’t work as well as he imagined it. He’s left to make excuses, which he believes, like winning on the road is hard, the numbers say..., and we have to trust the process (my own plan). Were it just a maturing process, he could learn and grow, but people of his ilk doesn’t do that well because of the deep seeded belief that they are right all the time. New assistants can’t crack that nut. His comfort hires were in reality enablers and that’s who he’ll chose to work with again if given the choice.
    9 points
  10. I never strapped up and won shit. Should I shut the fuck up? we’re lucky to have nfl alums that are passionate and want us to win. I hope they double their efforts.
    9 points
  11. Seinfeld_whatashame.gif Fuck ‘em. They voted for this shit.
    8 points
  12. Urban supporters are as soulless as Urban.
    8 points
  13. Toilet paper is specifically made to stick to shit. His staff can only do so much.
    8 points
  14. Welp, Went to Guitar Center and had her check out, play, and hold a BUNCH of guitars from a Mexican Fender Strat to the Gretsch Electromatic. No matter what she tried she just kept coming back to an Epiphone SG. She even looked more comfortable sitting with it and even guitars that were more expensive (and I thought sounded better... that Gretsch tho) didn't hold her interest at all compared to the SG. Ended up with this Epiphone SG - G-400 Pro despite it's borderline criminal lack of USB ports We were running late for another appointment so we punted on other decisions Any recommendations on staps, cords, & AMPs ??
    7 points
  15. Kay and Steve are both in the agriculture business. They not only still love the guy, but think he's presidency is fulfilling a prophecy.
    7 points
  16. Look, you give trump a standing ovation in your stadium, your star QB gets a season ending injury. Just the way it goes.
    7 points
  17. Charlie sucked. Tom sucks. This thread sucks.
    7 points
  18. Spontaneous smoke today...lil 9 pounder. Ready just in time to see Horns blow. #nofilter
    7 points
  19. I knew when this happened he wasn't the guy. You can't do that shit as a head coach. Yell at the refs, yell at the media, yell at your players.....you don't deal with opposing players....ever. If you do, you just look like a little whiny bitch.
    7 points
  20. And we wonder why we can't get back to prominence. We've never been squeaky clean ever when we've been at the top. If you want to win you've got to play the game and hire cold hitting pipe hitters. Fuck you dorks that want to be Michigan - go cheer for them.
    6 points
  21. It's even better than I imagined. Thank you.
    6 points
  22. The out and out illogical desperate grasping at straws of the OP makes me very very sad for what's become of us.
    6 points
  23. WTF? This is not LSU. Football exists as a part of the university, not the other way around.
    6 points
  24. 6 points
  25. 6 points
  26. I actually don't think you bother with Tom in a banner the man you need to speak to means it should go something like this. Chris....Do Your Job.
    6 points
  27. 6 points
  28. That would make a bad ass pizza box design
    5 points
  29. I heard a whisper that this tryout was a part of the settlement. The NFL guaranteed a legit tryout, and from the looks of it they went above and beyond trying to prove a lack of bias - something that would hold up in court. 25 teams sent reps to watch ONE MAN throw a ball. Found a good location, some coaches to help out, some good guys to throw to, a good film crew with promises to distribute the raw footage to every team. The NFL held up their end. All Kaepernick needed to do was show up and ball. But the night before he starts quibbling over details, ends of making some last minute changes, and goes to a different venue with his own dudes. And even then some NFL reps made it over to watch him, lol. At this point it should be clear Kaepernick isn't interested in playing football. Nike pays him more for less work anyway. This dude is washed up making money off of victimhood and activism. My bet is that even if he's offered a contract, he'll haggle every detail and make it all public and - even if he plays a few games - won't play an entire season anywhere at any level.
    5 points
  30. Make no mistake, this team is talented. When your offense barely functions most game in the first half, that is coaching. When your defense gives up TDS on the first series of every game, that’s coaching. When you make stupid decisions in 4th downs, that’s coaching. When your team is one of the worst penalized teams in the country, that’s coaching. When you’re dead last in special teams, that’s coaching. We have 3 years worth of results to sample. Notice a trend that Texas only wins close games regardless of competition? It’s because of our idiotic moron of a head coach only runs his stupid 11 personnel as soon as we get a lead regardless of it’s working or not. We had 8 three and outs against Iowa state trying to run plays out of that formation. We switch to 4 WRs sets and all of the sudden we are passing all over them. We get a lead.... what does Herman do, goes back to 11 personnel for another 3 and out backed up in our own end zone. That is coaching.... This is the same moron that started garret gray all fall camp his first year here not being able to see that he shouldn’t even be playing D1 football. Losses to Maryland twice (once when they didn’t even have a fucking head coach) Losses to Iowa State, TCU, Okie State, Tech, and soon to be Baylor since he has been here. A game winning FG to save his ass from losing to Kansas at home. We got EMBARRASSED by ou this year. Don’t let the score fool you. That was an ass beating. We hired a arrogant HC that thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. Other coaches hate him. His players don’t really give a shit for him either. Trust me, no player will miss him when he’s fired except maybe Sam. Losing record to our rival. Barely scrapes by teams with lesser resources and recruits we wouldn’t even let walk-on in our program. That is coaching folks. I will ride it out but fuck this coach. He is a fraud and I’m not going to waste my efforts and time going to any more games until CDC fires him. CDC can go fuck himself too if you he’s going to be another AD that only cares about money.
    5 points
  31. Since people started coming down with windmill cancer.
    5 points
  32. It’s always about Charlie with you. Your username is literally a reference to McCombs “disrespectful and racist” statement that was right on the money. Just shut the fuck up, no one cares what you have to say about Herman or Strong.
    5 points
  33. Herman is 44. He's the same age as Rhule (who has completely turned around a dismal 1-11 Baylor squad in two years) and eight years older than Riley, who went from OCing East fucking Carolina to leading blOU to two straight Big 12 titles and playoff appearances. Herman's not some young coach growing into his potential, this is who he is and who he's going to be moving forward. The question is, should Texas be satisfied with that?
    5 points
  34. Jesus, the officiating obsession on this site is full on Aggy. You're watching OU and obsessing about the holding. If that level of holding is legal in the conference, then the coach to it. If not, quit being Aggy about it.
    5 points
  35. Fuck Harsin. No more G5 coaches ever again.
    5 points
  36. 5 points
  37. I once again confronted that shifty Polack Del Conte outside the ISU stadium. I shouted "Face me Conte, you coward" and I drove my scooter up to him and took off my glove and slapped his wife in the face before security could tackle me. As he ran away, I yelled after him "Run all you like Picante, thanks to Surly I now have your email and phone number, you haven't heard the last from Bob Wheeler!"
    5 points
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