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Surly Bevo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Surly Bevo

  1. I saw him looking pretty old going down the steps on the stage and talking to Kenan at the end
  2. "Don't Look Back in Anger"??? That isn't supposed to be a time capsule....
  3. Yea and back then home prices were only around 3.5-4x of median income, now they are 7x.
  4. Consolation for the Super Bowl hometown snub? That said I'm enjoying his set. Playing the hits.
  5. I am, there is a lot of social media noise, and certainly, some people have been hurt but you don't have real sustained backlash until more of the population starts seeing this all play out in our lives. Pain gotta work up the curve and really start permeating the middle class, urban areas, the burbs etc.
  6. Not yet...too early. There is a lot of gnashing of teeth about it, and not sure if intentional or just a sign of disarray but there is nothing talk is going to do right now except drag the opposition (Ds) down into the verbal mud with the administration. Timing will be critical. There isn't any sense interrupting your enemy if you believe they are making mistakes, let those things really start to play out and then strike. The Leopards thread has to get a lot busier and work its way up the curve before the time will be right.
  8. Yea rappers back then NEVER clapped back at other rappers 🙄
  9. One of the biggest myths people somehow swallow is that there is some huge difference between government and corporate employees. Both groups are just people doing a job. Like any large body of people doing a job, 10-20% are going to kick ass at what they do, 10-20% are going to suck shit at what they do and the rest are all going to be somewhere from slightly below to slightly above average at what they do. The venue for the work makes absolutely no difference.
  10. 9 seconds, 3 fights.
  11. Way to go dipshit. You got like one of the nicest countries in the world booing the hell out of our country, not our team....our country.
  12. Real-world pain, suffering and maybe even blood will get people out of their media-induced hallucinations. But it will have to work itself pretty far up the net worth curve.
  13. This doesn’t seem like an answer to the question and you’re no Matt McConaughey
  14. It’s cold outside in most places right now. Give it time.
  15. I found myself at a pool side bar in Playa back in October 2016 with a group of probably mid 40s Germans and another group of late 20s early 30s professional guys from Monterrey (they were there for a bachelor party....they were a lot of fun). Both groups thought we were going batshit crazy back then for even considering Donald Trump and that was a few weeks BEFORE his first election.
  16. As if any politician prepares their own presentations. Hell even food preservative guys have Griswold do it for them
  17. Obama imo, it's always been about the black guy that broke half the country's brains.
  18. With some of the economic indicators of the last few days coming out and the continued actions of the administration, we could be heading for some good old stagflation. We get stagflation plus the almost certainty of some shooting/conflict between law enforcement and a minority group and this summer is gonna be off the hook. You look through periods of civil unrest in this country over the last 50-60 years, outside of a few always warm places like CA it almost all happens between April and October.
  19. I wonder how Sydney and or Hot Ones feels about their inclusion in the propaganda machine?
  20. Chances will rise until they most likely drop to zero as we get more observations, and it could fuck some shit up between South America and India, or it could land in the ocean. Not close to a global killer
  21. LOL my son’s HS baseball coach was on the 75 team. He uhh has a conflict that day.
  22. 67 cents for your thoughts based on this and inflation
  23. Andy Reid had a garbage game plan. He called one running play on like the first four drives. Never even tried to establish it. Then when he finally came back to it right after the pick 6 made it 17-0 the first run was some Sarked up overly complex slow developing shit that played right into the fact that by that point with all the passes the Eagles were just pinning ears back and Pacheco got eaten alive 2 yards behind the line.
  24. And the ball kept bouncing and now Kobe is gone much too soon and NowThis got his love for butthole pleasures forever memorialized on the internet. meanwhile Shaq seems to be living his best life.
  25. Kind of seems like you do.
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