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Surly Bevo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Surly Bevo

  1. They face none of those schools....until the state semifinals. They exist in what is perhaps the weakest football, perhaps even the weakest sports region in the state when it comes to 6A these days. That's not to say Westlake and what they have done is unimpressive, but let their record speak for itself without candying it up.
  2. The funny thing about this whole thing is how the world just moved on The sad thing about this whole thing is how the world just moved on The funniest thing about this whole thing is the man at the top of the group that with every one of these things just spouts shit off like "muh freedom, move on" can't believe that the world just moved on.
  3. Sounds like a guy who knew he was hitting the market again.
  4. Less time for fashion show. More time for national titles.
  5. Starting to think Gustave knew what he was doing when it comes to iconic structures
  6. Inspector Clouseau to light the cauldron...as soon as he finds it.
  7. It is weird to hear these speeches with almost no crowd reaction...either way.
  8. Zhidane headbutts the cauldron and it lights
  9. They're right at home in rainy/dreary weather.
  10. One of the more unique and creepier places to visit in the world.
  11. When it's LA's turn they can convey the quintessential LA experience by putting all the athletes in cars on the 405 and have them sit in traffic.
  12. Yea Tirico has been fine. Kelly Clarkson on the hand is sucking the balls.
  13. You think they are doing something useful? C'mon Man
  14. Boats are different, but kind of almost feels closing ceremony informal
  15. Olivier Giroud should light the Olympic Flame with his hair.
  16. Was about to say, don't we have a child tax CREDIT. Now I think it is kind of dumb it is at its least valuable when a kid tends to get the most expensive but I get the whole 18, technically adult, no "requirement to go to college" thing so that's a discussion for another thread BUT yea people who have kids do get a tax benefit over an equally positioned person without kids. What a moron.
  17. In fairness to the Dotard his paradigm is people voting for him against their own interests
  18. I kind of liked just keeping the old sad thread running. No use in a fresh thread when you’re about to get served up another shit sandwich
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