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Davis Lane

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Everything posted by Davis Lane

  1. Same is said about South Austin's mom but yet we do it anyway.
  2. God damn, man. Bravo.
  3. "And because, you know, we just ran out of time and if we would have scored more points that 1-4 would easily be MNC, stupid sip!" - you know
  4. That motherfucker is going to bolt before big brother comes to town just to go to an institution that has the same big brother syndrome.
  5. He visited Florida. Not sure if that is construed as flakey considering recruits take post-commitment visits all the time. Plus, kids will be kids and he's a kid. Maybe wimmenz romancing each other was on the visit itinerary due to how Florida's season was going at the time.
  6. Plenty of stuff like this out there. https://screenrant.com/brightburn-2-sequel-movie-updates/ But not sure if it will ever come to be.
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