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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Droopy

  1. Just now, BurntOrange&White said:

    So they want financial ROI that doesn’t involve winning titles as ROI? 

    You just asked what would make them care, so it would have to be ROI. That's what I want, but I'm not sure what their version of ROI is. I would assume that some want better access to the program, while others want to see championships. Hell, I knew a guy that just wanted to be able to say he was donor and got to meet Mack. 🤷‍♂️

    Everyone's ROI is different and individually specific. Here's to us finding theirs and flooding their lawns with it.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Texzilla58 said:

    These guys are typically extremely funny, except when they crush on your team.

    We must be world's apart in our senses of humor, team or no team. These videos hit about as hard as the video your wife shows you that "cracked her up soooo much".

    Actually, I take that back. These videos are like Eckridge Farms Sausage. They look like something you'd enjoy, it's looks good on the table, but the reality is that it's only going to taste good to mouth-breathing morons that don't know any better.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  3. 5 hours ago, TornACL said:

    Last year on a scale of 1-10 I would give the DL a 0.5 so unless they're turning over the entire line to new dudes we're gonna have to see a remarkable year over year improvement to get to 5.

    Maybe we’ll get to see some of that “Development” I’ve been hearing about. 

    2 hours ago, Longhornlove said:

    So they are pandering to their subscribers just to watch them be crushed. That's kinda evil no. Funny, those nitwits deserve it for paying that fat lying cheese guzzling fucktard a dime.

    No, this is literally what every salesman/business owner/marketing guru is trying to do every single day since the beginning of society. Get them to buy, then get them to need. “First ones free, baby…”


  4. 9 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I’m all in on cheering for the possibility that he’s gone full Lattimer from The Program in order to merit more playing time. 

    8 hours ago, Hank Chinaski said:



    I'm not sure if this guy is actually a Longhorn fan or not, but I saw him walking around the tailgates back in the early/mid 2000's in burnt orange attire several times. Got to hang around the guy a couple times, and he seemed nice enough. On a side note, after the guy left the tailgate, I was tossing a football with another tailgater and I threw an absolute gem of a pass from about 15 yards away heading right into his hands. Unfortunately, an older lady (mid 50's, who saw us throwing the ball) turned from her conversation and walked right in front of the pass as it was coming to rest in my buddies hands and hit her square in the nose/left cheek of her face. Smash, Arghhhh, Boom, splayed on ground. She was fine after some attention and ice, but she may as well have taken a punch from a MMA fighter. I felt terrible, until game time. 

    7 hours ago, markstanco said:

    I used to live in apartments in Arlington across the breezeway from two strippers.  They had a motto, "When you come to a strip club you arent getting F'd, but you will get F'd. 

    I guess those girls never made it to Houston clubs. "I've seen some shit that would turn you white!" - Ernie Hudson, Ghostbusters

    • Haha 6
  5. 10 hours ago, Vermin said:


    Interesting piece on the state of college football recruiting. Apparently photo shoots annoy staffs.

    They annoy me too, but like the coaches, who gives a shit as long as the kids are happy.


    2 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Toviano has four officials left, with Texas, Texas A&M, LSU, Oregon, and Michigan in the mix. He’d like to take them all.

    Texas has a “home” feel and loves the players, continues to build with Steve Sarkisian and staff, and hears from Trevell Johnson and Morice Blackwell regularly.

    He wants to see Austin in early September.

    "oh, I don't know...maybe the second weekend in September. Y'all got anything going on that weekend?" 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    The team hasn’t actually “quit” for multiple seasons now. Quitting hasn’t been the issue. Sucking at football on the other hand….

    My bad for poor language use. I was thinking about Foster specifically when I wrote that, but your point still stands. I will say though, each new season brings a "new" team to the stage and just because they didn't quit in the past doesn't mean they won't quit in the future. Maintaining a mentally focused team is the job duty of every coach. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Fud said:

    Saw someone say that he’s expected to come back around week 1

    I hope both rosters are full, healthy, and the game is good. Beyond that, there’s not much else to hope for.

    Alabama is where we’d like to be as a program and this game is going to be a measuring stick for our progress in that direction. I’ll be looking at execution of scheme, tackling, and, more importantly, heart. Need to see a team that won’t quit and has some fight in them. Tackling, although it’s lack there of has been reported to be an epidemic across the country, is critical for a team’s success. Last year, it seemed as though our guys were put in places to succeed, but couldn’t/wouldn’t execute. I hope that trend gets corrected. 🤘🏼Fuck OU 

  8. On 8/5/2022 at 12:40 PM, ztejas said:

    We don't need a fucking nice-footwork, game-manager QB out there. We need a guy that shows up riding a Harley with some skank from the night before hanging off the back and asks the offense "how many points you fuckers wanna hang on these pussies today?"

    This program needs that dirtbag motherfucker hell bent on throwing bombs and squeezing passes into impossible windows and not giving a shit what happens. Those are the guys that cover up mistakes and let meh football teams punch above their weight class. Those guys can singlehandedly change the culture and bring out the nasty in everyone else. More than any coach could ever hope to. I know this because we've seen it. At Texas.

    I refuse to believe Sark is going to put mr. yes sir no ma'am show up to practice on time keep his nose in the playbook out there for the first snap of the season. If he does then we may as well shut the program down. We have absolutely nothing to lose. Put it all on black and spin that shit and see what happens. If he's a disaster then whatever - just try it again with the next kid. 


    On 8/5/2022 at 12:52 PM, TornACL said:

    I don't care how good Card looks in practice or how much anyone tries to tell me how much he's learned/grown/etc. 

    Last year's refusal to pull the trigger on throws that were right there for the taking was enough for me. Next.

    I refuse to believe that this is a competition, and I am convinced that the $9.95ers drum up a QB competition solely for the clicks.


    Every year around this time we always see the same reports from $9.95ers. And, every year people pick a side and pick it apart ad nauseam. It’s like walking into a room full of children when they’ve been given a couple new toys to play with and the arguments start over which ball is better. 

    “The blue is better because it bounces the highest and furthest!”

    ”No, the green ball is better because it’s easiest to throw and flies straight!”


    All I really know, is this is Sub Selling Time and these $9.95ers know how to get a debate started. Rinse, repeat.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 6 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Explosive but not efficient Offense in 2021.

    Time of possession (TOP) problem in 2021.

    • Games Texas won TOP     Record  4-0
    • Games Texas lost TOP      Record  1-7

    Texas on avg possessed the ball only 28 minutes per game in 2021.

    Texas was 110th in TOP last year.

    We just couldn't get a stop when we really needed one. Fuck, how many 3rd down conversion did we give up, when we really needed a stop.  Felt like every game last year we couldn't stop a team if we wanted to. Rage. RAGE. FUCKING RAGE!

    5 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

    Our offense also stagnated and generated 3 and outs at an alarming rate. It was boom or bust.

    Yes, after some injuries as previously posted, but the defense not even being able to stop the opposing O was more frustrating to watch. 


    5 hours ago, Burt Macklin said:

    We added one ILB to our front 7 from last year. The same front 7 that got dominated in the majority of games last year. Ovie is still a starting edge. 
    There’s no basis for concluding this defense should be strongest against the run.

    Completely agree, and they tried to say our run D would be a strength last year and it wasn't even close. I'm looking at you, Collins. $9.95'ers last year pumped this and it never came true, which is why I'm still not buying any of it until I see it with my own eyes.


    5 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    He’s hot  tubbing, cold tubbing, working with a masseuse and doing Yoga. That’s all the stuff he should have been doing for years. If he still ends up on the shelf it will never happen. 

    That's great and all, but I also watched Roy Williams do zero stretching, even got yelled at by a coach to stretch more, then proceeded to abuse any corner that tried to stop and or take the ball from him on the way to the end zone. Whittington has the tools but his body just can't seem to take the punishment of CFB. Hope I'm wrong, but...


    4 hours ago, MoJames said:

    Hey we need a place to see all these bets and comment on them as the season progresses. First bet needs to have futureman fisting himself if when he loses.


    2 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    Btw, the freshmen OL will obviously climb the depth chart, but Ovie starting for real and Taaffe and Bush in the 2 deep for real are Exhibits A-C in the inevitable “Why didn’t we see this coming?” thread in a couple of months.  Well, actually the worst might be the $9.95ers setting expectations for the run defense being the strength of the defense, but I can’t process how bleak that is so I’m going to compartmentalize that for now and just say Burton is off his rocker.

    This is again my biggest fear for the D. The run D should be the strength but we need a legitimate group of players to step up their game for that to come to fruition. That being said, my win total for the regular season is at 8 with the bowl giving us a chance at 9 wins. We need to see a bowl this year. Anything less than that would be a disappointing season, imo. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

    And for that matter, his "friend" was even dumber to do it all in front of security cameras like that. 

    Thank God for dumb criminals. Dumb shits doing dumb shit.

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