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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Droopy

  1. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:



    You're Welcome



    Mesmerizing, in that, they are tits, but at the same time they are disappointing because those things are pointing way too downward for her age. Is she somehow 45? My grandma’s tits are more perky and she’s dead. (No pics)

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  2. 6 hours ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    I think the players absolutely know where they stand in the pecking order - but by not releasing a depth chart that info stays within the team.  Family / Friends/ Social Media Assholes and even coaches on other teams looking to poach won't be able to use a depth chart against a player.

    I don't know if that has anything to do with the decision - but its definitely a bonus for the coaching staff.


    6 hours ago, Reese Bennett said:

    They were all planning to write one, two, or three articles “analyzing” the depth chart. Now, they have to do some real reporting work to come up with content on game weeks. 

    Lazy, whiny grifter fucks.

    They’ll adapt soon enough with the “real” depth chart according to made-up sources.


    6 hours ago, Hornlover said:

    But now they can write one, two, or three articles on "speculating" what the depth chart will be. 


    6 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Yup. Now those made up stories about locker room drama will have to wait to see who gets actual playing time.


    6 hours ago, Codaxx said:

    Flip side of the that, What is the purpose of issuing a depth chart to the press? 


    5 hours ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    In era of tranfer portal and NIL probably not a bad idea. Why put something out officially that other teams could potentiall use against you in trying to poach someone by getting in their ear about where they are on it.  As fas as product on the field and W/L I don't see releasing a depth chart as something that helps that.

    Esta! All a depth chart would do is make it easy for the lazy ass reporters to write up some bullshit to sell to morons. To me, this is another sign/signal that Sark could give a fuck about those publications or reporters and if they want in, they have to earn it. Fuck’em, particularly FatFuck Ketch and John Eat Another Ham Sandwich McClain. In the immortal words of Bill Burr… “Go Fuck Yourself.”

    Dear “Reporters”, your gravy train and insider bullshit sources are closed for business. Get to work or get fucked. You want a depth chart? Here it is:

    Dipshit Program Haters:

    Starters: 1)Jabba the Ketch Or John Ham Sandwich McClain Or Pat Forde Or Brian Davis Or FCB Or… 🖕🏼


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  3. 2 hours ago, oldhorn2 said:

    Goddamn criminal shame that possibly the best RB in T Texas history might be done with the 40 acres with less than 4000 yds


    If he doesn't, he isn't. That's why Ricky and Earl are fucking legends. Bijan is really special, but can he be great? We'll see.

  4. Im tripping my balls off right now. I’ve tried everything to get my feet back on the ground but it’s pretty fucking tough to do. Cereal hasn’t even worked.  Poor Casey. Even as a, The Northwestern, fan, I was happy to see him play well but fugg if he didn’t look exactly the same as last year. Kinda funny the even when we don’t play them Texas found another way to fuck with Nebraska. 😁 eat a dick, Tommy Os-borne to lose to Texas. 🤘🏼

    Fucking super want The Mullet to throw 5 touchdowns next week. Secretly, I’d like the camera to pan over to Quinn as he reaches the sidelines after each said TD, and you just see him walking in slo-mo to the waiting arms of two thots holding a beleaguered six-pack missing 3 beers as he flicks a spent Kool into the sweltering heat of another Austin Saturday night. 

    My wife just woke up… my bad

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    For 12 straight years I’ve followed recruiting and the program closely, and yet managed to over-estimate wins almost every year. At this point there’s nothing wrong with a cold dose of reality or pessimism. For once I’d like to be positively surprised. 

    This is where I'm at. Show me, don't tell me. Your actions speak so loud, I can't hear what you are saying.

  6. 5 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    Just tossing the blame on Herman isn't going to cut it after two transfer portal offseasons. Especially after missing as badly on Ochuan Mathis as we did.

    Forgive my ignorance, but where did he end up?

  7. I hate everything right now. We can haz 2018? 

    Fuck it. I'm planning on fishing during our games. Being on the water and hearing Craig scream, either way, should make for a more enjoyable experience than watching us shit the bed again this season. Whatever it is I did, sweet Lord, please forgive me. I repent. I ask for forgiveness. I really want to look like we know what the hell we are doing on a football field and start kicking some ass again. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, stork642 said:

    I guarantee some fake insider on Reddit doesn’t know anything about which QB gets chosen.  

    Right, which is what I was trying to refer to, but may have missed the mark. I actually think it's a good sign when our reports and those close to the program are all over the place due to little information being out there. Shutting down a practice was a good sign in my opinion. If Sark could get FCB and Kurt Bohls's press passes, then I think we'd finally be heading in the right direction. Both those guys are a fucking beating.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Anyone got insight on the locker room/team dynamics going on?  I know we have hand ringing on QB selection and injuries, but it seems like this years' team is the closest/tightest team we've had in quite awhile... or coaches have been really good at keeping things under wrap.

    It's almost as if they got rid of cancers and people that were giving out team information when they shouldn't have been. Like a coach or a player perhaps. Maybe Sark is playing his cards close to his vest knowing that loose lips sink ships. To pull out a classic... F the Haters! Let's see this new blood and hope and pray they are better than the players they are replacing. 🤘

  10. 24 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    And some posters continued to believe he was crap his entire career. Because they are dumb, made their minds up early, and just couldn't let themselves be wrong.

    You could say this about every thread we have on Surly. 😁


    18 minutes ago, Shaggyhorn said:

    Are we really that excited that 3 true freshman are pushing for starting o-line roles? That terrifies me.

    I remember all the people giving aggy shit for doing/wanting the same thing a few years ago. Glass houses and all, so I'll just say that I'm happy to have new blood on the Oline. We know what the starters where last couple of years.


    14 minutes ago, Octavian said:

    One of the guys on Reddit is hinting Card is gonna be named the starter tomorrow

    Not surprising, but I think Ewers plays in the first game too and most likely Card has a very short leash in every game after that until Ewers earns the job. I don't like it, but it's not shocking to me. (Coach is doing what a coach should)

  11. 3 minutes ago, MAUFRAIS said:

    Our press conference backdrop looks bad.

    Did you want to offer an alternative to what is there or just point out your thoughts, like a child that enters a room? 😁

    Steve looks like he hasn’t slept in a couple days, which is exactly how I want my coach to look, irritated and not putting up with your shit. 🤘🏼

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  12. 5 hours ago, Texzilla58 said:

    Your teasipper attitude will go far when Horns are getting pounded each week.

    Are you going to get all twisted up when you get horns down every week in a league that could give a shit?

    I don’t get “twisted up” now for the horns down, why would changing a conference make a difference? And for the record, I don’t care what their school’s traditions are either. Ours is winning, so I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

    Also, if my “tea sipper (2 words) attitude” means that I’m not lumped into a group of people that think over-processed, cheap sausage is somehow taco meat, I’m more than fine with that. Speaking of…

    4 hours ago, Macklemore said:

    Eckridge Farms Sausage is a key item to anyone cooking carne asada in South Texas gringo. It is in my top 3 of meat choices for my tacos.

    Brisket, Pulled Pork, Fajita Chicken, Skirt Steak, Fish, Venison, Eckridge Farm Sausage

    How on God’s green Earth, do you decide EF Sausage is in the top 3 meats for a taco? I bet your cardiologist could give you 3 better choices. Hey, I grew up in a poor neighborhood too and had to eat that worthless shit 2 times in my life and each slice had a 5/1 fat to meat ratio that I may as well have just eaten raw bacon that was left out on the counter all day. I’m not saying I’m better than you, but you should sincerely travel and eat something that’s not extruded out of a machine’s asshole after they filled it with salt tablets, leftover lunch meat and pig fat. 

    4 hours ago, Eugene11 said:

    ? Carne asada with sausage?   I’m confused. Do I need to recalibrate my sarcasm meter? 

    Be gentle. He just found out he’s a mouth-breathing moron. 

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