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Everything posted by Dontshootrude

  1. Man an interception would have been nice there.
  2. Large study on vaccine efficacy waning out of Qatar published hours ago: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2114114 The bad news: They report only a 20% efficacy against infection 6 months after the second shot, with efficacy against symptomatic infections being slightly higher. The good news: "Meanwhile, BNT162b2-induced protection against hospitalization and death persisted with hardly any waning for 6 months after the second dose."
  3. There are multiple trials on boosters. Israel already published a massive one. UK has released data and I suspect we won't be that far behind. By the end of the month we should have safety and efficacy data from mixing different shots as boosters. That's going to be really interesting.
  4. I'd like to remind everyone the original efficacy against infection cutoff was 50% when the vaccine development and trials started back in spring 2020. I find it really funny that after waning immunity we are still around the initial target efficacy and people are acting like this is some sort of failure. 93% VE against severe illness after six months is amazing by any measure.
  5. That is a good article. This one is pretty good too. https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2320
  6. The danger of the preprint server just showed up. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.13.21262182v2 https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/covid-19-vaccine-study-error-anti-vaxxers-1.6188806
  7. This is probably purely coincidental, but there was a study published earlier this month that screened the national blood supply (about 1.5 million people) for infection and vaccination antibodies and it was determined about 20% of the population had COVID as of May 2021, which is about what the survey reflects at the time of me writing this post. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2784013
  8. People in your situation have demonstrated the most robust immunity of any group. The reported breakthrough cases for recovered and vaxxed are the lowest of any category. There have been several studies that show you are not only able to defeat COVID, but a couple of the cold like coronaviruses and even the original SARS virus. At this point I don't see any reason for you to get a booster.
  9. JCS Criminal Psychology YouTube channel needs to be on the first page. It is one of my favorite channels.
  10. At this time last year GT was down 52-7. So this is a nice change.
  11. COVID vaccine immunity is waning — how much does that matter?
  12. I've only read the letter. Do you have a link to the full report?
  13. Oh, I agree. I just like to go with the flow. See where it leads me.
  14. Interesting MMWR published today. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7038e1.htm?s_cid=mm7038e1_w Key table: Moderna dominance continues. This is in 21 hospitals. It is good news, but Jesus, the UK and Israel are making the US public health system look horrible. Our data sets are small, inconsistent, and fragmented. It is really difficult to get good large scale data sets in the US in a timely fashion. The pandemic has really exposed how vulnerable and unorganized we are.
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