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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Jesus fucking Christ with this shit. He’s legit been the best QB in the league for line 6-8 games and we still have dumb remarks like this?
  2. To loosey goosey. That’s a wake up call. M Stupid they needed it. But I bet that wakes them up.
  3. Ughhhh Only way this can be w damned game. And no it isn’t change the game. It’ll just wake up the lackluster offense. You can tell they took their foot off. They were playing lackadaisical and it bit them. Offense go score and be done with this.
  4. Fucking pussies. Go for the fucking throat. And a good return. Such a bitch move.
  5. In b4 Dak is blamed for not throwing that ball. Just kidding. It’s obvious.
  6. The motherfucker is jusy squeakin them in. Now I want to be greedy and ask for a TD but I’ll settle for even a damned FG with very little time left. Worse than can happen is giving up more points before half when they get the ball
  7. Please hold to a FG. Thank you defend for making me eat my words…so far.
  8. Yes you’re right. I’m being sarcastic. They would have found a way to penalize us.
  9. Just easy pitch and catch. Sent a blitz and nothing. Fuck this defense. If they’re aren’t getting turnovers or picking on bad QBs they’re trash.
  10. That play didn’t get shit but it was another blatant hold!
  11. If fucking BS we even have to challenge and chance a fucking TO and lose a challenge
  12. Great play design but fuck ferg gotta catch that. Good defense
  13. Fuck your tush push I’ll do it myself. Follow Zach and go. Sooo close
  14. No one. And u mean no one loves that TE Seam line Dak. And he’s making TEs money.
  15. Surprised they’re kicking. But guess it’s a salvage
  16. I’ll be honest. It’s Philly. They should have just lined up and gotten it 2nd and 14 all good they’ll get 111
  17. Great special teams they say They gonna score a TD on this drive
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