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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Ugh. So fucking dumb. Keep him from running and this drive is over before that pass. Up to the offense again. Dak gotta save their asses again And if he doesn’t, it’s all his fault that they can’t stop a gimpy ass hurts.
  2. Hurts injury is going to force them to run the ball more And that’ll work in their favor if Dallas can’t stop it.
  3. Umm so it’s either hurts comes back and beats us with a “gutsy performance” or loses and the cowboys winning gets downplayed. OR Mariota comes in and continues the age old tradition of backup QBs eating our defenses lunch. Can’t wait to find out.
  4. God the legend of hurts is going to be obscene. The Problem is he’s easy to root for. Even for a sooner. But man they claim Dak is overhyped.
  5. Why can’t they just maintain lanes. Stop overrunning him.
  6. Honestly I’m expecting the loss. And it all to be on Dak even this the defense can’t stop them and the offensive play calling is not doing him favors. So no worries.
  7. Just confidant the QB. How fuck hard is it not to tee off and just hold your fucking lane
  8. So this ends in 7 pints right? At the very least it’s tied going to half. And they get the ball. So awesome.
  9. So one of 2 things will determine this game. The team that actually recovers a fumble. Or the first team that stops the other on 4th down.
  10. God I cant wait till someone inevitably gets hurt on that play and the league rushes to ban it. It’s such a cheap ass play. I don’t care That it works. Or “if you don’t want them to do it stop it” BS. And those fumbles not recovered loom large.
  11. 2 fucking clear fumbles. Both my Philly. Both recovered by them. And both drives ended in a TD for the eagles. 14 point swing.
  12. 2 fumbles today. Both recovered by Philly. Turnover is going to win the game. Dallas has missed 2 of them.
  13. Must be nice to be Able to gain yards running the ball. Ugh.
  14. They’re gonna have to force a turnover. They can’t stop this offense.
  15. If y’all gonna let hurts kill you from the pocket you deserve to be scored on.
  16. Would only be called on the cowboys.
  17. Ughhhhhh I know you guys hate Dak but come the fuck on. He was the reason they beat the chargers, and he scored quite a bit last week too. Man when it goes bad for kickers it goes bad. Hope he didn’t just lose it all of a sudden.
  18. That’s the worse kick he’s had since his first kick and we were ready to run him out of town
  19. Nah it’s been a couple weeks he’s been Superman for this crappy ass offense. Making up for bad playcalling and design. Y’all need to realize he’s A very good QB who isn’t perfect. And will have bad games occasionally against great teams(the 49rs eat his lunch…that’s just a matchup nightmare)
  20. Run inside the 10 yard line against their defenses strength. No motion at all. Ugh. Turpin!!!!
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