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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. And leave Dak, no matter how bad you think he is, stuck with trying to convert ANOTHER 3rd and way too long. This offense has never helped the QB at all. Even if you think he’s shit, you can’t expect any QB to continuously be put in bad positions and succeed. Even Mahomes.
  2. Pussy ass playcalling. 2nd and long run? Fuck
  3. Luckily they stupidly ran a pats play instead of just running it.
  4. Defensive line. Again. Fucks up. All they want to do is run to the QB. Gives them an easy first down if the QB takes it.
  5. Jesus even in a blown up play they still back to the line
  6. Other offenses make it so easy. Just wide open guys
  7. Fucking pass rush ran into each other. 1st and 15 to the damn 43
  8. They called a timeout with 8 seconds left.
  9. Maybe get some fucking pressure. Only thing this defense can do.
  10. The first down stupid run, as always, and the bad 3rd down route cost that.
  11. Oh the 4th down was awful.
  12. It wasn’t a first but it was closer than that. Bad route.
  13. Flag? Dallas. All there is to it.
  14. Chargers can’t be called for nothing. Dallas will for everything.
  15. So fucking dumb. Just give them a fucking TD.
  16. We’ll never get that call
  17. He has the one bad sack. Troy did say that was horrible. It was. He was more at a loss by offensive design and playcalling on 3rd down. That’s what had him at a loss for words.
  18. lol run on first and 2nd down and 3rd and long. Amazing
  19. Drew


    Pussy football. 3rd down run on 3rd and 4 and you’re not going for it?
  20. Drew


    3rd and 5 and a 2 yard cross
  21. Drew


    Just like holding calls. It will NEVER happen in a high leverage situation for them. Only Dallas.
  22. Drew


    Pass rush non existent.
  23. Drew


    Our pass rush is so fucking stupid. All 5 guys run past the blockers without even considering this team who thrives off it is running a screen That penalty fucked them bad.
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