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Scary Stranger

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  1. Yeah but in a purely misogynistic way though.
  2. Time Bandits is out. Any watch it?
  3. We're going while our kids are in camp for 2 weeks so the dates were decided for us. We're also using AA miles for those tickets are booked before they cost us more. Here is the general itinerary I am working on. This obviously doesn't include the hikes and sightseeing trip to lakes, etc. as I haven't gotten to planning those out. Just want to secure locations at this point. Leave 6/2 Land in Venice 6/3, 2 Nights in Venice 6/5 Pickup rental car and drive North. Would like to stay at the hut by Tres Cima but it looks like snow the first week in June is fairly common so the roads/hiking trails could be closed. 2 nights at Gardena Grödnerhof 2 Nights in VRBO -would welcome recommendations 3 Nights at Lake Garda - Looking for recommendations on which village and places to stay June 13 Drive back to VCE and Fly home.
  4. I'm unreasonably excited about this. I hope it is as good as my memory tells me it was and not that I am now senile.
  5. Would love to see any food research you do for Venice as I am going to take the wife there in early June 25.
  6. Who was on him? Couldn’t see the number.
  7. Hence ongoing horrible slates of movies.
  8. Remakes and pre/sequels.... and nightbitch which I know nothing about.
  9. That is a horrible slate of movies. Pure crap.
  10. That's looks terrible. (Not JLH obvs)
  11. Have you tried switching sound modes on your receiver? Sometimes the mix is weird and if you swap the modes to something like straight stereo, it will sound better.
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