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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Dak definitely off. Wet ball don’t help. But he’s been off a bit
  2. They’ve barely played. He looks off. In the first game. In the rain. When they haven’t played the entire preseason. Plus a few drops. That’s a bit misleading with so few attempts. Also these TEs are going to be the death of us. 2 flat drops of hood passes. And one touch TD catch that was dropped. They can’t keep doing that.
  3. I mean no reason to push with 1:24 left? A fumble sack or INT give them life.
  4. We’re up 26-0. Why we trying to score before half when we get the ball back.
  5. Nice catch. Forgot your feet though.
  6. They literally will not call a hold.
  7. Gonna give up some cheap points here. Hold them to a FG at least.
  8. I’ll tell you what. Other than that very first kick ever…the kicker hasn’t looked bad.
  9. Ahhh Dak was high in that. Bailed out.
  10. Nah that was a decent throw. He bobbled it and tried it run with it.
  11. TEs dropping balls. Tail as old as time.
  12. We never get those plays. Never had the speed to chunk it. Do it more.
  13. About time we get bail out flags. Take more shots with cooks.
  14. That’s just obscene. Bell?
  15. The giants are on their 4th drive. Cowboys have had 1. Crazy.
  16. I can’t wait for you know who to get here.
  17. Imagine who started the cowboys defense tonight. 2 return TDs. iNT. 3 sacks. Nice first quarter.
  18. They can not sit their and pass. Run on Dallas. That’s holding too.
  19. Yeah. Just win without big injuries. Its divisional Rivalry game on road against a good opponent in the rain. Just get out with the win.
  20. I don’t care what happen that better go for it. A qB run Would work too. Make ‘em think. Or not. Ugh No I said what I said. They got a nice big play. I still expect them to struggle a bit tonight. Would like to be wrong.
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