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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Y’all are nuts. You can blame Dak for this. Cool. But I’ll never agree that he just “can’t do it” unless it’s solely in regards tot he cowboys. Put him in this SF offense and it’s even more potent Becuase they’re not asking the QB to save them every game like Dallas does. Dak isn’t Rodgers or Mahomes. No one would ever say that. But much like every other franchise QB you gotta put him in positions to succeed. Dallas is horrible at that. And we’ve been saying it all year. They ask him to bail them out all the time. Sometimes he does. Sometimes he doesn’t and unfortunately the ones he doesn’t is the ones you hang your hat on. but all y’all see is “Dak sucks” fuck y’all. I hope to god they cut or trade him away from you bums. You do not deserve a good QB and you’ve been blessed with 2 underrated ones for the last 17-18 years. I can’t wait for him to prove you guys wrong.
  2. God y’all are so stupid. Yes he’s had bad games. Yes he’s throw picks. But pretending he wasn’t part do the Thai offense when it’s great is why Dak supporters have to go nuts when defending him. you can literally say Dak has been awful today. I have said that and I’m his biggest supporter. But pretending he’s some bum and can’t play the sport is just as stupid.
  3. Offense did no favors but the defense has to make a play now. No excuses for them either.
  4. That’s game. It’s not been good at all by Dak. punting is a death sentence.
  5. You can’t blame the entire game on Dak. Like Patrick said no one side or unit has all the blame. Dak has had a bad game. Run game has sucked. WRs other than lamb no showing up. Defense has a good first half. Coaches getting out coached. another bad throw Dak. Jesus.
  6. This. The way the defense played for 2.5 quarters should win 95% of games. Eventually they were going to get beat a bit by a good offense like SF. offense needs to make amends now.
  7. But the question is…if they do score the TD do you go for the win or the tie?
  8. Ah just missed him. But defense actually forced the FG. Give them credit for that. now Dak has to bail himself and this coaching staff out. It’s all on him now.
  9. Nah I think both these teams can beat Philly.
  10. Can’t tackle at all. If they could force a FG they have w chance. But they won’t because they’re literally just running it every down and we can’t stop them. And if we force a 3rd down they have a open WR.
  11. Yes they had a great first half. And now they’re not. I already said the offense hasn’t done their job. But it’s typical this defense gets exposed in the 2nd half and late in the game. they simply can NOT make a play when needed in a big Game. If they could they’d have been the 1 seed.
  12. Nah he’s got bette coaching. Better offense. And better skill players. Dak ain’t been great but neither has Purdy. He’s pretty mid in a great system and hasn’t let the situation be too big for him.
  13. Guys. The cowboys defense has down this for years. Mid QBs are all pros versus us. meanhwile the offense hasn’t done their job but they’re not being give much help. The first 2 drives were doomed with bad play calls and mistakes. Then Dak has his 2 mistakes. The McCarthy gave the game away by punting it from the 40. Defense played a great first half. But as usual is either worn down or just inept in the 2!: half after adjustments are made.
  14. Yeah sure. Okay off coverage with a LB on a clutch WR for a wide open 3rd down. pass rush gotta make a play or this will just be over at the end of this drive.
  15. You can tell this guy don’t actually watch the WRs. Dallas WRs are notoriously bad at separation. It’s why Dak has so many tight window throws.
  16. Yeah defense cooked without some type of turnover. can’t stop the run. Can’t get pressure. Can’t cover. some great defense.
  17. This is exactly what’ll happen. or a Maher missed FG to lose the game.
  18. Now’s the time defense. Prove us wrong. Show us you can make that play to help win a huge game. you can NOT give up points here. Dallas is struggling when Lamb isn’t getting the ball right now. The RB is cooked. And no one else is helping.
  19. Hey look…we’re down 4. If only it was just a FG.
  20. You can not kick this FG. Even if he hits it SF has the defense on skates right now. fuck
  21. Yes. That’s all they have. And yet all we’ll hear is how talented this offense is by people who don’t actually pay attention.
  22. Why the fuck are they making Dallas wait so long to allow Dallas to snap the ball?
  23. Elliot’s getting you 2 yards when it should be 15. Fuck.
  24. Oh fuck that. Even with the Dak mistakes they had a chance in this game. the coaches have absolutely fucked them. oh new refs are very much leaning in one direction right now.
  25. Just fucking stupid. even with the 2 picks by Dak they had every right to win this game. coaches fucked them. Now the defense fucked them too. Just so typical of this defense not to show up when it matters most. it’s what happened in the first Eagles gsmw. And the GB and Jax losses. Defense just couldn’t get it done.
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