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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Red Five last won the day on May 9

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  1. This has been done to death, but never like this. Imagine if Obama said “Just vote me in and you’ll never have to vote again. Oh and by the way I’m not actually Christian.”
  2. I would like to hear that from someone who has not already lied to the public about Dotard.
  3. If a doctor told him his ear was struck by a bullet, go ahead and release that shit Dotard. Easy fix. Of course I’m no doctor, but I would think that if your ear got hit by a bullet, you’re losing a portion of that ear. Or will at least need stitches/plastic surgery to put it back together. But this is Trump so of course it all has to make no sense. A coworker said to me yesterday that it looked like a PR stunt gone wrong. I couldn’t argue. I don’t think it was, but that IS what it looks like.
  4. Whoa whoa, we should definitely draw the line at internet search history.
  5. Brings in zero new voters, has some particularly weird baggage, tough to listen to and tough to look at. Good call Dotard.
  6. You can tell he wasn’t hit by a bullet, because he is saying that he was hit by a bullet.
  7. I’m actually kind of concerned for that dude. I’m probably the worst public speaker I know, but even I could cobble together a few thoughts on UCLA football.
  8. I liked how they were initially going to take Sam to this world class martial arts competition, but leave Hawk at home.
  9. We’re Not Going Back Also we should probably open about nine new threads on the election.
  10. I don't think Trump wants to do much of anything these days. And I don't think he wants to be president. He just doesn't want to go to jail.
  11. I love the "Any questions?" at the end. Nope, none at all coach. You covered all the bases. Let's just move on to the next coach now.
  12. But even that explanation doesn't make a lot of sense. Might as well start talking about Soul Asylum, as if that's normal to do. "Underrated band, Soul Asylum.... Runaway train.... it's never coming back folks. Never coming back."
  13. It seemed like they were barely even trying, and part of that was having a candidate they didn't trust to talk. About the closest we got was "you've got the morals of an alley cat."
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