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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Red Five

  1. "The good news continues for Texas on the retention front, as Bert Auburn has entered the portal...."
  2. Wonder if we go to the portal at corner now, or if Black is the guy. Nahlin floated moving Guilbeau to corner but don't know about that.
  3. Deal. It's a loaded class obviously, but Cunningham was one of the very few (maybe only - no wait Jackson Christian exists) head scratchers for me. I don't get it. People in the stands around me in 2028: "Man that dude really loves Rickey Stewart.... and really fucking hates that third string LB."
  4. I like Rickey Stewart more than most. But RBs are weird. They can look like great takes but then show up and Vondrell McGee/Kyle Porter it up all over the field, making you question your judgement. My second would be Chester.
  5. Good to know Jesus has enough free time on his hands to fix college football games.
  6. Because I find a comedian to be unfunny? Ok.
  7. If Yang comes out dressed as a hurricane or something stupid, yes.
  8. Retention is fantastic thus far. We've really only lost the people we spent all year thinking we'd lose.
  9. I've never laughed at Yang, but in fairness, for the last couple of years I've fast forwarded through anything that looks like a Yang-centric skit or WE.
  10. Note to self: Wait to pop the gummy until about 8:30.
  11. FWIW Nahlin thinks Trey Moore comes back, and "would lean towards" MM coming back. Has anyone introduced a Money Muhammad joke yet?
  12. I think we're about to upgrade in a big way. So much so that "Why wasn't he playing last year??" will be the annoying thing we hear all season. As for being young, think how good he looked in our last spring game (yeah I know, practice). By the time we play another football game it will have been 18 months since that spring game, with another offseason and a few starts in between.
  13. Last dumb question. Maybe. How does the innie version of Mark know that his wife is dead in "real life"?
  14. Dumb question, but it's been awhile. When the "innies" are woken up at the end of the last episode, do they recover their "outties'" memories? I guess not, as that would make them whole again, which they are not. They still only retain the memories of working in Lumon every day, and nothing else?
  15. So, at 8 tomorrow night, do I have to make a decision between the season finale of Silo, and the season premiere of Severance?
  16. That picture is the dime that Manning dropped in his lap, that he dropped in return. I don't think we saw him again after that.
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