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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. BTW Dak is balling. Once again playing Superman. While people pretend he’s mediocre.
  2. I’m like 2 plays behind. Pollard just ran.
  3. Agreed. If he was a top 3 WR I’d agree.
  4. Maybe block them? A big fuck you to me for sure. Lol
  5. God dammit lamb had room too. Easy 1st down and probably 20 yards. Now they’ll struggle to get a first I’d suspect
  6. All fair. I think ferg is decent. But an average starter. The way Dak loved the TE they really need to find a stud. Defense holds. Turpin hurt. Fuck. An unneeded block in the back and now the offense is deep in their own side again. Ugh.
  7. They have a W1. Cooks is a 3 now. The TEs are average. Dallas needs a real good TE and probably another good WR.
  8. This secondary is trash. Attack it! Nah, let’s run our fast back into the middle. And throw quick outs.
  9. That’s the cowboys. Not Dak. We gotta stop making this only about the QB. It’s a lazy narrative. Dak on any well run team is even better. Teams like the eagle, 49rs actively help make the QBs life easier. The cowboys? Nah we’re gonna put him in 3rd and long and expect him to super man time and time again(and he usually is as a league leader in 3rd down conversions despite being in so many bad situations). That’s not to say he can’t play better, but don’t tell me “look at hurts”. No LOOK at there organization. Their coaching. Their talent.
  10. That missed fumble is costing them points. Just as much as the missed challenge. 4th and 3. This is why you don’t waste that challenge Imo.
  11. Oh yeah. I don’t disagree. Just I’m not sure that challenge does anything but waste a challenge when they eagles are going to get it regardless. Just being pessimistic honestly. Fuck so god damn lucky. Ball right back to him. Fuck
  12. Yeah defense is toast if it keeps going this way. M Offense will have to stop the stupidity of running on fist down and for sure 2nd and long, and pass.
  13. I’m sorry even with the challenge they eagles are going for it. They get 2 yards easy
  14. That was a horrible spot. Of course. And that play csnr be stopped. They’re going to wait till someone is seriously injured to make that’s okay illegal
  15. 2 strait runs and 3rd and long. They literally have nor learned a thing. Putting them in bad spots to start the game
  16. Drew


    That probably does it if they can add points here.
  17. Drew


    The 2 run plays on that set of down were the killer.
  18. Drew


    That pull guards run play does not work. Not up the middle.
  19. Drew


    Ball on the 16 yard line. Ugh. Keep running the edge with pollard.
  20. Drew


    And just like that the lead is cut in half almost. Cowboys fuck around and go 3 and out and they’re going to be under a bit of pressure. Still think the cowboys will win easily, but they were up 30 the last time they had the ball
  21. Drew


    He’s right. It’s bad cause it was a very easy drive fort them to score on. And they get the ball back. Could be 33-17 the next time they see the ball. Should be enough but might not
  22. Drew


    Week ass TD to give up before half.
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