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Certifiably Surly
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3352 Surly 10%

About huge

  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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  1. I dont get any of this. I live in a bubble.
  2. I think the suite is paid for by a booze distributor so one would hope so. Better be a lot.
  3. I have good news! I got free ticket in a suite today with booze included!!! Oh and the bad news is we will probably lose again.
  4. huge


    My thought was timing as well.
  5. Whoever was axing for KT steals, that was a really nice result there.
  6. And Doobs had a higher OPS in 2023 than Jake. How dissimilar are their results, generally?
  7. I have a Case I inherited that looks very similar and it just sits due to the weight and other convenience factors.
  8. Yeah “flat middle in” is a swing I dont care what the count is. You likely won’t see another that AB
  9. Both of those professional athletes are obviously pussy for flopping around like that.
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