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Burnt Ends
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  1. Wheeler, Ryan and Imanaga are on the block. In search of power.
  2. Hey Goldy, what would you say you do here?
  3. Hopefully he can get on base enough onto stay up.
  4. I agree here. I am fine pushing back, but would like things to move as quickly as possible.
  5. If we move it back, can we lower the time allowed for each pick? I am not sure what it is set to currently, so this may be a non-starter.
  6. The other draft is at 8pm on 3/27. What are we thinking here?
  7. Are we officially in the playoffs now? As in, I’m done for the year?
  8. Some great options in the rotation this year. Hopefully, Flaherty can bounce back. I’m am down for whatever format.
  9. I never remember to check the gambling forum for this league.
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