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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. for some reason this cracked me up on Reddit Texas A&M Aggies Coach Jimbo Fisher ‘Shocked’ By Struggles on Offense first reply lunchboxthegoat ·2 hr. ago Jimbo in a hotdog costume: "We're all trying to find the guy who did this"
  2. Thats the kinda detail I was looking for. What a ride...
  3. Sooooo I see you are a glass half full kinda guy
  4. As a lurker to this thread, I am just curious how much money you guys have tied up in these little adventures. 100, 1k, 10k, 100k? I can't tell if you guys have rapper with money in these stocks or $50 total.
  5. My bad my fellow surly. You can never really tell on this site at times
  6. bwhahahaha. come the fuck on. We shit the bed for 3.5 quarters. and got a very very favorable spot
  7. change is enough for them to score on this defense today
  8. There is no way this team is a championship team. NOT the National championship for sure, but not the Big12 either. How do we look 180 from the first games this year.
  9. Michigan's defense is for real. I could make a top 5 that would be neck and neck
  10. I would put Washington #1. Look the best. Michigan #2
  11. I thought this was the place for animal and cute shit
  12. sort of doesn't fit in your own thread . . .
  13. Didn't know where to post this. It's a movie/doc about an awesome singer. Really showed the ups and downs of his career and showed just what a genuine nice guy he was. Dio Dreamers Never Die doc was excellent. Wife and I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.
  14. over half. they rejected it in 1937 and again and again and again
  15. I swear I can't figure out at times who is just being an asshole, contrarian, who is being self-righteous and who is being just a pure dick Check that. I know who is being a dick. . .
  16. I was referring the past score to show how stupid it is for a sooner to say Texas fears OU. You don't fear something you have ass kicked. I hate the overall record the last 20 years also, but Texas doesn't fucking fear the sooners. Being embarrassed by an outcome doesn't equate to fear homie...
  17. It's fucking stupid and shows how their coke brain is mush. THEY LOST FUCKING 49 to 0 ONE YEAR AGO !!!!!!! What the fuck are we supposed to be afraid of? Sooners, take your 4 point win (we won by more than 10x that amount) and shove it up your sperm filled ass. So regarded
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