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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. " I am the night, color me black" Fits 60 years later
  2. It cracks me up. I think its hilarious that they do it thinking it bothers us and most of us don't care. We are in so many fan's head
  3. I don't do the twitter verse, but someone needs to throw a little love to Steve Spurrier. He was talking shit and said Texas would lose by 2 touchdowns
  4. I can't figure out who is crying more, my liver or aggy
  5. Loving the deeper knowledge with Casablanca. Thanks for the insight
  6. Perfect response and thanks. It struck me off even after the third watch. Really enjoy this movie and some perfect lines and mood
  7. Fair, but do me a favor on your next watch. Look at Victor and Ilsa's interaction and tell me it isn't off and distant. Then watch Rick and her. I see a clear differdnce... Maybe Victor was in a marriage of convenience
  8. just an observation after 2 viewings. Victor Laszlo and Ilsa were an odd couple. Ilsa and Rick were full on passion. Contrasting the 2 always made me think Victor and Ilsa were without romance or a sexless marriage. Even when they kissed it was meh and without attraction. Was Victor supposed to be secretly gay or did they show it that way to accentuate Rick and Ilsa's passion and romance? Love Casablanca and now out to watch it again.
  9. Couples Retreat. The wife and I love this movie. constantly on rewatch over the years. just our type of humor
  10. Is the Rutgers D that good or does NW suck that bad?
  11. When you treat people the way he does, the only response when he dies is "Fuck him". I would agree
  12. Disappointed... and think they are a bunch of pussies.
  13. Wasn't a fan of the last episode. Watchable but it seemed forced.
  14. Yea, I am sure it will hit people differently. My mood was coming out of a country full of poverty and on the tail end of a long flight. l am going to watch it again with the wife and see if I have the same feels. Did enjoy the first watch.
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