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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. I wish one of you guys can make the tiny movies where the defense played so nonchalantly. No effort after initial contact. I saw it over and over
  2. come on man. We got beat. We got out muscled. they wanted it more. Go back and watch our defensive line. Very halfhearted play. Our o-line looked weak and gave very little protection or opening lanes. I was joking that we looked like we threw the game. Disgusting
  3. I thought 13 Hours was fantastic.
  4. Go back and watch the effort of the D line .almost lackadaisical. They seemed to be going through the motions. No pride
  5. 8 year old girl flinging horseshit everywhere "oh daddy I know there is a pony in here somewhere"lockquote widget
  6. 8 year old girl flinging horseshit everywhere "oh daddy I know there is a pony in here somewhere"
  7. I don't give a fuck who is QB but the results would have been the same with that shit play call 4times at the 1 yard line
  8. Same bullshit for most of the last 30 years. The D line played weak and without effort. O line let OU rub their nuts across them. So many dumb play calls. This game was really Texas getting drunk and having fun thinking they are all that and then reality shows up. We are who we thought we were More wandering until the stars align
  9. All gas and no brakes?! Put it in fucking gear first Sark you fucker
  10. First half all on Sark being too cute. Fucker
  11. My Surly friend, saying that with a football game with all men makes that statement very Gaaaaay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.😁
  12. Are you saying they are all bad and this is the worst one of bad shit or this was the worst one of the group which includes good shit? I would rate them: ANDOR (great) . . Mandalorian/Ahsoka (good to ok episodes) . Obi Wan (meh) . . . Bobba Fett (garbage) This is my own opinion
  13. Pretty good look at the gains and losses on the map
  14. Wait....whuuuuut? “Bijan Mustardson” shirt I want one. Where did you get that my good sir?
  15. Well, they are fucked then!!! Because we will dominate any QB with a knee brace. No way we will let a QB with a knee brace run ... ahhhh never mind.
  16. couldn't edit fast enough. I got it too late. Love Friday
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