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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Posts posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. 11 minutes ago, swraith said:

    Essentially it took a year to complete this and it doesn’t change anything ?

    Looks that way. Again. The next Nunes memo/Spy-gate/IG Report will be different though and then will see the indictments and guilty pleas rolling in like a Mueller investigation. 


  2. On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 9:34 AM, Robin Masters said:


    MGMT - They had that one album that was just chock full of great tracks. Hey guys we just made it huge, everyone loves us, lets completely change our style to something even our hardcore fans will struggle with. That will be a great way to get rid of the normies.


    This video kinda touches on that, though I liked their 3rd self-titled album that is panned the most here. Also like the cheesy She Works Out Too Much from their new release. 



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  3. The look on Trump’s face is the same one John Bender gave Vice Principal Vernon when he got all those extra detention days in The Breakfast Club.
    When Merkel left the room he went into his Angry No One Understands Me Dance.
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    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:




    The sporty stylings of The Beaver XT combined with a zippy eco-friendly power train are what Americans crave, you goddamn stupid son of a bitch.

  5. are you suggesting the hillary and mueller investigations are comparable in terms of tactics or zeal?
    I sure the fuck hope not. If fish start jumping in the boat at one fishing hole in the fraction of the time you can't get a nibble at another, I hope you start putting more lines in at the one you're actually catching fish. Crazy, I know.

  6. i go by the months of interview requests and the "not a target" representation, to conclude mueller has finished investigating (subject to flipping more people) and has nothing on trump.

    "Okay. Here's the game plan, Mr. President. You publicly say you want to interview with Mueller even though we're going to object to the conditions and draw this out as long as possible. And THEN, we portray this fraction of a timespan it takes to investigate a land deal in Arkansas as some unprecedented, maniacal fixation on the part of Mueller even though we're the source of this minuscule delay, and then we go out and sell that shit to moron America. They buy anything!"
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  7. i think the history books will question why mueller went so aggressively after a duly elected potus without an actual crime to investigate. 

    Investigations exist in part to determine if a crime has been committed and judging by the guilty pleas Mueller has secured in a fraction of the time Hillary was subjected to investigations, at a fraction of the cost Trump's golf outings have cost the tax payer, lots of crimes were committed. Your willfully obtuse and conflating self should be happy for this, but I sense not.
    • Like 2
  8. so campaign rhetoric is a crime now? 
    not only was it legal it was entirely fair comment on what a brazen lawless creature hillary clinton was and is.  the fact you would even object to that makes you a fool or a troll.
    i'll grant you he does seem a little rapey though. 
    Someone should investigate Hillary.

  9. Frankly with the way the MSM has treated DJT since he was elected POTUS I take ANYTHING they print with a "grain of salt" and need to really, really see what their angle is since it normally will be negative. 

    Thank you for illustrating essentially the 2 step process Trumpkins use for evaluating the veracity of information.

    1. Is this negative information on Trump?
    2. If yes, then probably untrue and UNFAIR!
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