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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Posts posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. 30 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    "Executive authority".

    Remember the hysteria over President Obama allegedly issuing an historical number of executive orders?  Yeah, let's look at that.  It turns out that Obama's average issued EO's per year was the lowest since Grover Cleveland's first term.  Grover.  Fucking.  Cleveland.  

    Trump is outpacing Obama by 54% to date.

    I know, fake news, false facts, DO SOMETHING!!!

    One of the more idiotic pretexts for opposing Obama was he was running roughshod over the Constitution and exhibiting authoritarian tendencies, the exception of course being when Putin, an actual authoritarian, was annexing the Crimea. In that case the Fox narrative turned on a dime: Obama was weak and ineffectual while Putin was bold and decisive. 

    Image result
  2. 34 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I think the situation is more like the GOP is being held hostage by Trump than they are really behind him.

    The GOP showed its perfect willingness to give the blasé royal wave to the Constitution when denying Obama a confirmation for his SC pick. Trump just has the moronic asshole charisma that makes the GOP base swoon which allows the GOP to operate in the more authoritarian manner which it has always desired. 




  3. I was listening to the Bennington Show yesterday when this broke and he just stated he thought she had some form of mental illness, recalling a time during one of his interviews with her that, prompted by nothing, she blurted "Where am I?" and he had to remind her she was doing an interview in the studio with him.

    Of course, the president probably says this first thing every morning so....

  4. Tard Dick tries....actually TRIES....not to be elected in some half-baked promo, and Knievel-bounces into Leader Of The Free World, like belly-flopping outta one STD-appaloosa to the more respectable sphere of reality television to penis jerk into the presidency. 


    Let's monocle Hillary's resume. This is going to be a close one. Hrrph...

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  5. How the fuck is that supposed to work? The #ObamaStateDepartment, by definition, would cease to exist once Obama's term was up, no? Yet it's actively trying to orchestrate a #SoftCoup from the past using the #TimeMachine Obama used to plant his birth announcement in the papers, and which is a redundant term given Trump is #SoftGelatinousFuck.

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  6. MS-13 must have like a billion members raping everyone in the country. Good luck to everyone out there this weekend. Stay safe. 
    A lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent?
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